Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2002

Questions and Answers

Question: Does Galatians 4:8–10 teach that Christians are not required to observe God’s Sabbath and Holy Days?

Answer: No, it does not. The Apostle Paul addressed his letter to the Christians of Galatia...

March-April 2002

Cover Story

When tragedy strikes, it may shatter our hopes for security and peace. We may need to reach out to others, or we may need someone to reach out to us. How can we find comfort in times of suffering and uncertainty? Scripture provides a hope-filled...

Feature Story

It is a slogan found on bracelets, hats and other youth accessories. But for most, it is just a fad, a gimmick or a fashion statement. Very few seem to want to know the answer to the question. What would Jesus do—and what should we do in response...


One tiny city, Jerusalem, again and again finds itself at the heart of international disputes. Mankind's best efforts have failed to resolve the age-old conflicts over this troubled city. But Scripture reveals that peace will finally come to the...


Scientists warn that parts of our planet may become uninhabitable within 30 to 50 years. How should we respond to this global environmental crisis? Scripture shows us how we can heal our environment now, and how God will guide it in the future....


After some of the leadership fiascoes in Washington, DC in recent years, Americans should be very thankful to have a good and decent husband and wife team now occupying the White House. We can pray heartily for President and Mrs. George W. Bush,...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Incredible as it may seem, major events that threaten the continued existence of life on earth were predicted thousands of years ago—for a reason!

Questions and Answers

Question: Most professing Christians believe that the saved will go to heaven at death. But they have little or no idea about what they will do in heaven. What does the Bible teach is the reward of the saved?


January-February 2002

Cover Story

Forces now in motion will bring about the demise of the United States and other British-descended nations unless there is genuine national repentance! Our peoples have increasingly turned away from the God of creation and every vestige of true...

Feature Story

Did you know that the Bible reveals much about the future of the world and your own future? There are basic keys to understanding Bible prophecy. You need to know what they are! You can know what will happen in the years to come!
