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This year is shaping up to be a record year for hurricanes or typhoons. “NASA’s Terra satellite saw Hurricanes Kilo, Ignacio, and Jimena, all Category Four Hurricanes, lined up across the Central and Eastern Pacific Ocean on August 29 at 22:25 UTC (6:25 p.m. EDT). This is the first time there have been three active hurricanes in the Eastern or Central Pacific Ocean this season, and they’re all major hurricanes” (NASA, August 30, 2015). The current weather phenomenon called El Niño, which raises the temperature of the Pacific Ocean leading to more intense weather patterns, could “be one of the strongest on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization” (BBC News, September 1, 2015). Meanwhile, “Hurricane Fred, which formed over the weekend in the far eastern Atlantic, is truly one of a kind. Not only has Fred set the record for easternmost hurricane in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, it prompted the very first hurricane warning for the Cape Verde Islands and has provided the first satellite view of a hurricane in the region since weather satellites were launched into space in the early 1960s” (The Washington Post, August 31, 2015).
Jesus prophesied that shortly before His return, the world will see “fearful sights” that include “the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:11, 25). He also warned, “when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (v. 28). Few today realize that God controls the weather, and that He uses dramatic weather-related events to get the attention of mankind as the end of the age approaches (Psalm 107:23-25). To learn more, read our booklet Who Controls the Weather?