Avoiding Divorce Prevents Heart Attacks | Tomorrow's World

Avoiding Divorce Prevents Heart Attacks

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“Divorcees are more likely to have a heart attack than their peers who stay married, US research suggests” (BBC, April 15, 2015). According to a Duke University study of over 15,000 people, “Women who divorced once were 24% more likely to have had a heart attack in the study than women who were continuously married. The figure was 77% for those having multiple divorces” (ibid.). One researcher noted “This [heart attack] risk is comparable to that of high blood pressure or if you have diabetes, so it’s right up there, it is pretty big.” Sadly, re-marriage after divorce barely reduced the heart attack risk, according to the study (ibid.). Researchers believe that “chronic stress, linked to divorce, had a long-term impact on the body.” Men are also at increased heart attack risk from divorce, but the risk is lower than for women (ibid.). 

The Bible clearly states that God actually “hates” divorce (Malachi 2:16), because He is a God of love (1 John 4:8) who has given human beings His laws for our benefit (Deuteronomy 4:1). Modern research that documents the negative impact of divorce on physical health, as well as the long-term negative effects on children, reveals “why” God hates divorce. Modern research also documents the beneficial teachings of the Bible and how they bring blessings and even “long life.”

For more on this important subject, read “The Mythology of Divorce.”