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In a recent meeting of the exclusive “EU Club” (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain), the group discussed merging the current positions of President of the European Council (Herman Van Rompuy) and President of the European Commission (José Manuel Barroso). Additional leadership roles by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and the President of the Council of the EU (six-month rotating presidency currently held by Denmark), create a “messy” and confusing leadership structure. Meanwhile, EU leaders are calling for more secrecy in their internal affairs (EU Observer, April 12, 2012).
One senior EU official noted that the new super-president post “would have more power than either Herman Van Rompuy or Jose Manuel Barroso do today, but also more ‘democratic legitimacy’ because he or she would be elected by MEPs” (EU Observer, April 20, 2012).
Streamlining the EU’s leadership structure makes sense from a practical and governance perspective, and it also fits with Bible prophecy. Revelation 13 and 17 describe a future European Beast power guided by a powerful political leader and an influential religious leader. Revelation 20:10 labels these two individuals as the “beast” and the “false prophet”. The political leader known as the “beast” has yet to clearly arise on the world scene. The move to create a single post for an “EU Super-President” could pave the way for this to happen.
For more information on this intriguing topic, review our free booklet The Beast of Revelation.