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The crisis in Europe has generated a myriad of opinions about its ultimate outcome. Some suggest a long and protracted period of crisis management. Others see a sleeker version of a two-speed Europe (The Economist, November 10, 2011). Some think Germany should leave the EU and take its friends with it (The Telegraph, November 16, 2011). Some are calling for a New Europe (Reuters, November 9, 2011). Still others hold to the idea that the EU can be saved only by making the “tough” decisions. In a recent article, geopolitical analyst George Friedman suggests that one way Europe may move beyond the current debt crisis is through the emergence of “… new political forces… that will completely reshape the European political landscape” (Stratfor, November 15, 2011).
One idea that is common to many assessments is that the final solution will result in some type of “downsizing” of nations (fewer than the current 17 eurozone members), and that Germany will be at the helm. Bible prophecy has long foretold such a development. The Apostle John predicted the rise of a European Beast power eventually consisting of ten kingdoms that willingly give their power to a central government led by a strong individual (Revelation 17:12-16). This Beast will be influenced by a universal “mother church” (verses 1-5) that will direct nations to worship this Beast (Revelation 13:11-15).
What is now occurring in Europe will ultimately lead to radical changes in Europe’s political landscape, just as the Bible predicts. For more information on this topic, review our booklet, The Beast of Revelation.