Missiles Fuel Rising Tensions | Tomorrow's World

Missiles Fuel Rising Tensions

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As the United States moves forward with plans to exit from the INF arms control treaty with Russia and also discusses placing more missiles in Europe, Russian leaders are voicing growing concerns. Recently, the Russian ambassador to the EU warned that “the US risks triggering ‘dramatic events’ if it stations missiles in Europe” (Financial Times, November 21, 2018).

While the U.S. and several of its European allies have accused Russia of breaching the current arms control treaty, Russia points to “US missile defence batteries already deployed in Romania and under construction in Poland” as also breaching the treaty. Observers warn that failure to address the issue will result in another Cold War-type arms race that could put many nations at risk in the future.

Over the last 70 years, America and Russia have had a tenuous history. Distrust, disrespect, and dishonesty have all played a role in the friction between the two very different cultures. Will the current disagreements between these two nations lead to war? Will they attack each other with nuclear weapons? Bible prophecy provides informative perspectives on these sobering questions. For more information about where events in Europe will lead, read “What’s Ahead for Russia?