The EU’s Ever-Changing Face | Tomorrow's World

The EU’s Ever-Changing Face

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The Israelite-descended Netherlands is one of the EU’s six founding members. Yet, the Netherlands is now criticizing the EU for its “creeping powers”—amassing power to itself while eroding national sovereignty of member nations (EU Observer, June 22, 2013).

While Dutch opposition to the EU grows, Croatia has become the 28th EU member nation (Reuters, July 1, 2013). Mainly Catholic Croatia, mired in recession, hopes for economic benefits by joining the EU. However, it does not plan to join the common currency anytime soon (ibid.).

For decades, the Church of God has understood that prophecies in Daniel and Revelation refer to an end-time Beast power composed of ten kingdoms or nations. These nations will give their power over to one leader (Revelation 17:12-13). This configuration of European nations may have five “toes” in Western Europe and five more in Eastern Europe (Daniel 2:41-44). Currently, ten of the 28 EU nations are in Eastern Europe. Yet, a number of EU states in Western Europe that are resisting EU efforts to gain more power are Israelite nations. The final formation of the Beast power will be interesting to watch in the light of Bible prophecy. For more on this exciting topic, read our free booklet, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality?