Vatican calls for world financial governing body. | Tomorrow's World

Vatican calls for world financial governing body.

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A recent report by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace proposes the “establishment of a supranational authority to oversee the global economy” (New York Times, October 24, 2011).

Although the Vatican suggested that this new governing body be housed within the United Nations, a leading French financial regulator suggested to a meeting of Roman Catholic bishops in Brussels that the role of this world financial body could be played by a United States of Europe.  He stated further, “Euro-using countries should establish joint economic governance despite the ‘unease’ of non-euro EU members over a ‘two-speed’ union or resistance among EU voters to a ‘federal leap’” (, October 28, 2011).

While calls from the Vatican for an international financial body may sound strange, Bible prophecies foretold such a move thousands of years ago.  The Apostle John records that at the end of the age, the “merchants of the earth” will become rich through the activities of a European Beast power overseen by a great church (Revelation 18:3, 15).  This system will be given authority over every “tribe, tongue, and nation,” and no one will be able to buy or sell without its sanction (Revelation 13:1-18).  This global system called “Babylon the great” will only last a short time before it is brought down by the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation 18:1-11; Daniel 2:44-45).

For more information on this topic, review our booklet The Beast of Revelation.