Will the Deutsche Mark rise again? | Tomorrow's World

Will the Deutsche Mark rise again?

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The EU Observer just published results of a German-conducted survey that was released on September 15. Survey participants hailed from Germany, Poland and France. When asked whether their nation would be better off with their own national currency, two-thirds of Germans said “yes” to a return to the Deutsche mark. Forty-nine percent (virtually half) of Germans also agreed that they would be “better off” if the EU did not exist. The same survey showed that most Poles are uncomfortable with the euro as well, while the French still favor the euro (EU Observer, September 17, 2012).

A greater percentage from all three nations view the EU important in keeping up with world economic powers. But, only 32 percent of Germans see the EU successfully moving forward (ibid.). The economic upheaval in Europe has many wondering what will come next for Europe, and it appears to be stirring up suppressed feelings of nationalismsomething the EU was designed to overcome.

Bible prophecy illustrates that the end-time “Beast” nations in Europe will be a fractured and fragmented mix that attempt to bind together “iron and clay” (Daniel 2:41-43). The eventual ten kings (possibly nations) that arise out of this group will come together for a time under an economic system strong enough to control a substantial amount of trade (Revelation 17:7-14; 13:16-17). The specific currency and final configuration of this coming powerful political and trade bloc remains to be seen.

For more information on the coming European Beast power, be sure to review our very insightful booklet, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Coming Reality?