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News and Prophecy

Consequences of Sexually Transmitted Infections

  1. 11th September 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Stressed out woman with hand over her face and a concerned man looking on Euractiv reported on a recent study published in the highly respected journal The Lancet which “estimated that the global pooled prevalence for genital HPV [human papillomavirus] infection among men is 31%… on the basis of data from 65 studies conducted between Jan 1 1995, and June 1 2022” (August 17, 2023). That means nearly one in three men worldwide is...


BRICS and Prophecy

  1. 08th September 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The flags of the BRICS countries above an open Bible At the end of August, South Africa hosted a meeting of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Also present were several other nations, six of which will officially become part of the BRICS group in January 2024: Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. This new group is particularly interesting...


The Power of Laughter

  1. 04th September 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

man and woman hugging and laughing For many years, laughter has been known to boost one’s health and mental outlook. Periodically, new research emerges providing even more support for this understanding. A recent study shows that laughter “causes the tissue inside the heart to expand—and increases oxygen flow around the body” (The Guardian, August 27, 2023).


Archaeology Confirms King David

  1. 01st September 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Michealangelos statue of David and a Bible and the Tel Dan Stele tablet As recently as thirty years ago, King David was just a mythical figure for many secular historians—a position that continues to be held by some. However, over the last few decades, archaeological evidence has been mounting to support not only the idea that King David existed, but also that he oversaw a powerful and substantial kingdom—just like the Bible says he...


France’s Waning Influence in Africa

  1. 28th August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

globe showing African continent with a sticker of a French flag being peeled off In a recent article in the Le Figaro newspaper, three right-wing French senators and 96 members of the parliament attacked French president Emmanuel Macron’s policies concerning Africa (The Telegraph, 12 August 2023).


Anarchy in Haiti

  1. 25th August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

rioters with fire and a Haitian flag In the first half of 2023, gangs in Haiti “killed at least 2,000 people and kidnapped more than 1,000,” according to the United Nations (The Guardian, 14 August 2023). Since the 2021 assassination of Haiti’s last president, anarchy has taken over as 150 rival gangs compete to control the nation’s capital. Murder, robbery, rape, and kidnappings are rampant, and...


Tempers Flare in South China Sea

  1. 21st August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

warships with the flags of China and Philippines in the background Reuters reports, “China again asked the Philippines to tow away a grounded warship—a World War Two-era vessel now used as a military outpost—from a disputed shoal on Tuesday, after Manila rejected Beijing’s earlier demand” (August 8, 2023). The shoal lies within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone—the area of the sea around the Philippines in which the...


German Battle Tanks to Support European Armies

  1. 18th August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

German tank with flags of Germany and the EU In the past, Germany has been reluctant to share military technology with other nations. However, the war in Ukraine is changing things (Politico, August 1, 2023). In January, Germany finally agreed to send 18 of its Leopard 2A6 high-tech battle tanks to Ukraine.


China’s New Smart-Religion App

  1. 14th August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

a surveillance camera watching a church service A human rights organization working in China has reported that one Chinese province is now requiring churchgoers to register with a smartphone app developed by the provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission (EWTN, March 7, 2023).


AUKUS Opens to New Zealand

  1. 11th August 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The trilateral defense pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States was created to strengthen the defense situation in the South Pacific in response to the growing Chinese threat. The name of the defense pact, AUKUS—reflecting the three nations who created the agreement—communicates a sense that the organization is closed to outsiders. Not...

