A war in Europe in 10 years? | Tomorrow's World

A war in Europe in 10 years?

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Poland now holds the EU’s rotating presidency and its finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, made this prediction two weeks ago.  On September 14, Mr. Rostowski spoke to MEPs (members of parliament) in Strasbourg.  In his speech, he “warned of the need to act rapidly to prevent grave danger for the EU.”  This comment followed growing speculation that Greece will default on its EU loans.

Swiss financial giant UBS just released a report titled, “Euro Break Up—The Consequences.”  Reacting to the report, Mr. Rostowski commented, “There is no doubt we are in danger.  Europe is in danger.”  He ended his speech by recalling a recent discussion with a friend who now heads a major bank, “We were talking about the crisis in eurozone.  He told me ‘You know, after all these political shocks, economic shocks, it is very rare indeed that in the next 10 years we could avoid a war.’  A war ladies and gentlemen.  I am really thinking about obtaining a green card for my kids in the United States.”  

Mr. Rostowski later clarified to a reporter that he had very carefully chosen the words of his speech.  “He said that the prospect of war is not likely ‘within a four-year legislative time frame… Not in the months ahead, but maybe over a 10-year time frame, this could place us in a context that is almost unimaginable at the moment’” (EU Observer, September 14, 2011).  

Mr. Rostowski’s comments may have been politically motivated, but Bible prophecy reveals that upheaval is in store for Europe as a final configuration of 10 kingdoms, or possibly nations, settle out “on top.”  This elite group will form the final Beast power of Revelation (Daniel 2:41-43; Revelation 13:4-7, 17:7-13).  This Beast will eventually war against a strong Arab power (Daniel 11:40-43).  This Beast will also capture and even destroy much of the population of the Israelite-descended nations (Amos 4:10; 5:2-3)—several of which are nations of modern Europe.  

For more information on this fascinating topic, review our booklet, The Beast of Revelation.