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Find out five trends to watch unfold in 2024, straight from end-time Bible prophecy—with Israel and the Middle East escalating to bring a call for international intervention, and Germany and Europe emerging in...
WatchProfessing Christians know that Jesus gave His life for mankind, but what else do they know about Jesus and why He came to earth as a human being?
WatchBible prophecy gives two key end-time signs—the Antichrist and abomination of desolation—just before Jesus’ return. Learn how this leads to nations battling Him at His Second Coming (Revelation 19).
WatchSome want to know the future for the personal advantage it can provide, others seek it out of fear. The world today is full of anxiety. But few stories in history or literature garner as much interest as works...
WatchAmidst debt, natural disasters, and war, one common factor sets every nation in history on a course to fail. Join Wallace Smith in this video as he shows from Bible prophecy the number one cause of collapse—...
WatchWhat are the perils of living at a time when information more widely available than ever before? Information is a good thing. It is impossible to make wise decisions without having information. We use the...
WatchExamine Bible prophecy (Revelation 13:16-17, Daniel 2 and 7)—as Gerald Weston gives scriptural clues to help identify the beast of Revelation, its mark, and its link to a final Roman Empire revival.
WatchAcross the world a new plague is eroding health, wealth and happiness in a manner that is more pervasive than most realize. The dark cloud of depression is affecting individuals, young and old, at all levels...
WatchHow are you doing in your Christian walk? Do you know what and how to overcome? What did Jesus mean by “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13)? Learn the Bible’s answers about God’s plan of...
WatchWhat will the fallout be from the war in Ukraine? Some wonder, will it lead to WW-3 and Armageddon. The good news is that the short-term answer is, no. Do you realize there is a source you can rely upon that...
WatchIs the rapture in the Bible? Wallace Smith examines 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and other commonly cited verses to answer if the rapture is even real, or part of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, or mentioned in...
WatchFew people in the world have not heard of the Belt and Road Initiative. This is the massive trading partnership initiated by China in 2013, which has now grown, beyond any initial expectations, to become a...