Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Who Will Win the Battle of Armageddon?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

On which side will you be in the ultimate showdown of good vs. evil? Learn from Bible prophecy how and where the beast and false prophet lead all nations to fight Jesus Christ (Revelation 19, Joel 3).


A World Held Captive

  • Michael Heykoop

The ancient Greek Myth of Daedalus and Icarus tell the fascinating tale of a daring attempt to gain freedom. That which was supposed to set Icarus free ultimately imprisoned him even further. Sadly, there are...


Russia, Ukraine, and Bible Prophecy

  • Gerald E. Weston

Find out the significance of the Russia-Ukraine war in end-time Bible prophecy, as Gerald Weston shows from Scripture how end-time superpowers and alliances will shift as prophetic events occur.


What Happens When I Die?

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Today many in our society claim to have no interest or belief in religion and readily dismiss the idea of an afterlife.  Of course, opinion on the matter may shift a bit with age or illness, as one’s apparent...


Is Jesus God?

  • Wallace G. Smith

How would you explain the identity of Jesus? Learn how to give proof Jesus existed before He came in the flesh, as Wallace Smith connects Jesus Christ directly to the Old Testament God of Israel and His many...


The Future Restoration of Rome

  • Michael Heykoop

More than 2000 years ago, the legions of Rome ventured from their isolated peninsula and dominated the Mediterranean, Middle East and much of Europe for hundreds of years. The political system and ideals...


Why Germany Matters in End-Time Prophecy

  • Rod McNair

Learn the German people’s true origins and future in this video, as Rod McNair discusses German history, shows Germany’s origins in ancient Assyria, and identifies Germany’s role in end-time Bible prophecy.


What’s Ahead for Our Children?

  • Gerald E. Weston

A growing number of parents are taking their children out of public school systems in favor of private and charter schools.  And not a few are choosing to teach their children at home.  Why? The answer is...


Will a Natural Disaster Strike You?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Does God control the weather as a curse or sign to get your attention? Why do natural disasters happen? In this video, Gerald Weston reveals the Bible’s answers in Leviticus 26, Revelation 8, and other endtime...


The Illuminati: Threat or Mythology

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Is there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth’s inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of elites? Any who delve into such ideas soon discover tales of the...


Five Keys to Knowing God

  • Wallace G. Smith

Do you know how to seek God—and learn His plans for you, as Jeremiah 29:11 promises? In this video, Wallace Smith shows five ways you can build a personal relationship with God and have peace of mind in...


Three Trends in Global Affairs

  • Michael Heykoop

How do you separate the news from the noise? This is one of the many challenges of living in the information age. In decades past, the news was a one-hour event where news anchors would describe a handful of...

