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How are you doing in your Christian walk? Do you know what and how to overcome? What did Jesus mean by “he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13)? Learn the Bible’s answers about God’s plan of...
WatchWhat will the fallout be from the war in Ukraine? Some wonder, will it lead to WW-3 and Armageddon. The good news is that the short-term answer is, no. Do you realize there is a source you can rely upon that...
WatchSee if you need to be “Rapture ready” or not, as Wallace Smith compares the Rapture to end-time Bible prophecy—including the Great Tribulation, seven trumpets of Revelation, and return of Jesus Christ.
WatchFew people in the world have not heard of the Belt and Road Initiative. This is the massive trading partnership initiated by China in 2013, which has now grown, beyond any initial expectations, to become a...
WatchWhat does it mean to fear God? Using Bible examples, Gerald Weston explains what the fear of God is, how fearing God is fundamental to Christian identity, and why it’s a major key in how to build a...
WatchThe Bible is a book claiming to be man's clearest link with his Creator. It is a book of wisdom, a book filled with knowledge and principles of living which ring true even 2000 years after being recorded. One...
WatchThe battle of Armageddon is an event in Bible prophecy worthy of praying “that you may be counted worthy to escape” (Luke 21:36). In this video, learn how you can avoid it—and the signs of the end times...
WatchWe examine some of the most common conspiracy theories in existence including one which you may not be aware of, but has had far reaching impact on the world around you.
WatchWill you recognize the Antichrist of Bible prophecy? In this video, Wallace Smith explains seven identifying factors from scriptures. Learn what the Antichrist will teach, where, and how—so you can avoid being...
WatchNearly 70 years ago Dr. Hilda Neatby sounded a warning about what she saw as a developing movement to change schools from places of learning, and the transmission of knowledge, to centres where students would...
WatchDo you see Bible prophecy fulfilled? In this survey of endtime prophecies in the book of Genesis, Gerald Weston explains how the blessings of Abraham—and the friction between Jacob and Esau—are evident in the...
WatchWhile many seem excited about replacing the so-called outdated and obsolete family structure with a grab-bag of countless options, the real questions are far too frequently brushed aside. Yes, society’s view...