Douglas S. Winnail | Page 24 | Tomorrow's World

Douglas S. Winnail

Can You Believe the Bible?

What makes the Bible different from other "holy books"? Is it God's inspired word, or the work of clever human beings? Even though millions look to other books and doubt the Bible's relevance, the evidence reveals that the Bible really is different!

Disaster upon Disaster!

During this same decade, devastating record-breaking droughts, storms, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tidal waves have occurred around the globe. These severe weather conditions and geological events have struck particularly hard at the U.S., Great Britain and other European countries. England, Scotland, and Wales were ravaged by severe storms and flooding in recent years, right on the heels of the "mad cow" disaster that nearly wiped out the once-proud British cattle industry. Parts of Western Europe have suffered from severe heat waves, droughts, fires and floods. The longest droughts in a century have plagued vast areas of America, Australia and South Africa.

Classrooms In Chaos

In recent decades, modern educators have seen a dramatic change in schools. Violence and disrespect often play a larger role in a student's life than study and discipline. Why has this change occurred, and what does it portend?

A Different Gospel?

Today, many assume that the "gospel" is simply about Jesus—that He loves us and died for us, and that those who give their hearts to Him will go to heaven. This "good news" is presumed to be the essence of Christianity. Yet this is not the same "gospel" that we find Jesus preaching in the Scriptures. In fact, the New Testament is replete with prophetic warnings about false teachers who would come preaching a "different gospel."

The Return of Religion

It was not that long ago that secularism appeared to be the "wave of the future." Why have so many returned to religion—and what does this portend for the years ahead?
