Douglas S. Winnail | Page 20 | Tomorrow's World

Douglas S. Winnail

Understanding End-Time Prophecies

Is Bible prophecy something to be feared and avoided? Is it too complicated or too obscure to be meaningful in your life? Is it just myths and fables, or can it change your life today? You need to know!

They Stumble Together!

Why are these nations all experiencing similar troubles at the same time? Ancient Bible prophecies provide vital and informative answers—and those prophecies are coming alive today!

Droughts and Famines Increasing

Few understand, or make any connection between, widespread weather-related events and ancient Bible prophecies. Yet those sobering prophecies are coming alive today!

European Union: Changes Ahead?

Political changes in Europe will soon affect the whole world—and are foretold in Bible prophecy. Do you know what Christ told His people to watch for as the end of the age approaches?

Scoffers in the Last Days

Some modern writers and scholars are suggesting that these fundamental teachings of Christianity are only myths and fables. Skeptics have postulated that Jesus was not divine, that He married and had a child—and that He did not rise from the dead, but was secretly buried in a family tomb in Jerusalem with his wife and son. While some speculate that this new "understanding" about Jesus Christ "could be among the most significant in history" (Charlotte Observer, March 4, 2007), what we are witnessing today is simply more prophecy coming alive!
