It is perhaps the most widely memorized verse in the Bible, yet one that is fully understood by very few. On the surface John 3:16 seems fairly straightforward, but its meaning goes far beyond what most realize. Learn how this verse gives vital insight into the nature of God, His plan for all mankind and much more.
Many professing Christians believe they will be rewarded after death, but those who do not accept Christ during their lifetime will go to an ever-burning hell to suffer for all eternity. Is this fair? What of those who never had the opportunity to know God? God is fair and this program will explain how!<
Since 1296, the kings and queens of England have been crowned while sitting on a throne with a stone tucked away under the seat. This “Stone of Destiny” holds an important place in the traditions of Britain. What is the origin of this ancient rock, and what key does it reveal for understanding your future?
How did a small island nation come to be known as Great Britain and possess an empire in which the sun never set? The origin of the British people answers this question as well as unveiling Biblical prophecies of significant importance to Hong Kong and the rest of the world.
The Bible reveals not only the cause of Britain’s rise, but also its decline and eventual fall. This remarkable story should serve as a startling example to all nations as to what happens when a nation turns its back on God.