Jonathan McNair | Page 8 | Tomorrow's World

Jonathan McNair

A Friend in Need?

Who is a friend in need? There are few things as satisfying in life as a good friendship. Children crave friendships intensely, and we continue to cherish our friendships through life’s waning years. The “texting” shorthand “BFF”—“Best Friend Forever”—speaks to a heartfelt desire that is almost universally felt. Who would not want a friend with whom we can share our days of happiness and joy, who will also be there for us when things are not going so well?

A Sign of God’s Creation

Cultures around the world have long viewed the shortest day of the year, December 21 or 22 (in the northern hemisphere), as a day for special ceremony and celebration. As the Christmas season—filled with the trappings of modern materialism cloaking ancient paganism—recedes into our memories, it is easy to have a negative view of the “winter solstice season” now behind us.

Isaiah in 2012?

The Bible can seem like an ancient book, full of “thees” and “thous”. It can seem confusing, with dragons, and dreams, and lots of things that “theology experts” argue about. But when we actually read what the Bible says, its often more relevant to our modern society than we might think.

Patience... mercy... longsuffering... forgiveness

These are hard words. They're easy to say, and easy to ask for, but much harder to give—at least sometimes. I'm convinced that, much of the time, I'm just about the most easy-going person in the world. At least, I feel like the most easy-going person I know. But other times...

The richness of growing old

Last week, I spent an afternoon with a gentleman in our local congregation who had just returned home after three days in the hospital.  He's home now, and doing better. At 106 years of age, he has maintained a tenacious hold on life. 
