Commentary | Page 12 | Tomorrow's World


Watch Your Words

  1. 15th March 2023
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

A prominent citizen and I shook hands on a deal to buy my house, as I was preparing to be transferred to another area. A smile of relief was on my face. But my relief disappeared a few weeks later when I found that nothing had been done to keep our deal. By that time, I had already been transferred and had acquired another house.


Fools, Sluggards, and Liars

  1. 11th March 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

No one wants to be labeled a fool, sluggard, or liar, yet there is ample evidence that those fitting these negative labels cause much of modern society’s conflicts and confusion. As pandemic restrictions wane and folks resume normal activities, it seems that troublesome problems in homes, businesses, and academia have worsened dramatically.


About 12.5 million viewers watched the 65th Annual Grammy Awards, which was reportedly a three-year high, up 31 percent from last year. Some of the highly-celebrated musicians to win or perform were Beyoncé, Harry Styles, Lizzo, Kim Petras, and Sam Smith. Amid the fanfare and celebration, the biggest winner was undoubtedly Satan the devil, but surprisingly, he...


Reality is Not the Enemy

  1. 01st March 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

When is a fact not a fact? Can reality be set aside or ignored? Abraham Lincoln, who was known for using homespun anecdotes to make effective points, is said to have once asked a critic, “How many legs does a dog have if you count his tail as a leg?” “Well,” the man said, “In that case, five legs.” “No,” Lincoln replied, “Only four! Saying that a dog’s tail is a...


Life Comes from God

  1. 25th February 2023
  2. Josh Lyons

On January 2, a front-page article in the New York Times asked what it called an “eternal question”—when does life start? The caption below the main photo stated, “For generations, the mystery of human life has been wrestled by philosophers and scientists, felt by mothers and midwives.” The article went on to describe the complexities that theologians,...


At Churchill's Feet

  1. 22nd February 2023
  2. Michael Heykoop

Some years ago while traveling abroad, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the grave of Winston Churchill, at St. Martins Church in Bladon, England. As I sat at the foot of his grave, I felt a strong sense of comfort and safety. My thoughts fell on just how close Britain and the Commonwealth had come to defeat and utter destruction in the Second...


Resistance Is NOT Futile!

  1. 18th February 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

Many are familiar with the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, which portrays an enemy called the Borg, a collective of cyborgs linked to a central controlling “hive” seeking to assimilate all lifeforms. Their ultimatum is, “You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.” Of course, the protagonists of the series do resist the Borg...


“If It Was Easy...”

  1. 15th February 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There were five kids in my blended family, growing up during the 1950s, and my stepfather was a genius at keeping all of us busy. As kids, we were allowed to play, but first, there was a myriad of chores and maintenance projects that kept us busy doing productive things. The usual chores, like regularly mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, and raking leaves, over...


Both the Internet and social media are very useful tools—but even useful things can be misused to do harmful things by misguided human beings. Conspiracy theories and all sorts of useless babblings abound in today’s marketplace of ideas. The Internet and social media, aided by the algorithms designed to multiply exposure to as many users as possible, fuel the...


An Increasingly Wicked Society?

  1. 08th February 2023
  2. Josh Lyons

Wickedness and its synonyms, such as evil, perverse, immoral, sinful, and abominable, are intense words that don’t usually appear in the daily news or everyday conversation. However, the Bible uses them hundreds of times to describe thoughts, attitudes, words, and behaviors that God forbids. What will come of these things increasing—and even being accepted and...

