Commentary | Page 3 | Tomorrow's World


God’s Power Over the Weather

  1. 04th December 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Flash freezing, icy roads, snow blowing sideways, and blizzard conditions. Arctic temperatures, gusting winds knocking out electrical power, and canceled flights interrupting travel. In December of 2022, winter storm Elliott affected the majority of the United States, and just recently, a storm in the Northeast brought “epic snowfalls” to that part of the...


The Prayer Connection

  1. 30th November 2024
  2. Adam J. West

The field of neuroscience is a fascinating exploration of the human brain and nervous system. It examines how the brain is involved in everything we do—thinking, feeling, moving, learning, and remembering—as well as how it communicates with the body. Neuroscientists study brain development, adaptability, and what happens when things “go wrong,” such as through...


Are You Thankful?

  1. 27th November 2024
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

As millions across the United States prepare to gather around their tables for Thanksgiving Day feasts on this upcoming fourth Thursday in November, we should take a moment to consider the blessings we have received—and the source of those blessings!


The Chastening of the Lord

  1. 23rd November 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Why do we resent correction? Very early in life, we rebel against being told “no” or being prevented by a parent, sibling, or teacher from doing what we want. What is it about human nature that makes us resist correction?


Mister Know It All

  1. 20th November 2024
  2. Brian Pomicter

The mystery of the future is one of the captivating elements in the mind of a young person as he or she imagines life ahead. Children come to wonder about their personal futures. A young boy may declare that when he grows up, he wants to fly jet aircraft. One of my own sons wanted to operate heavy earth moving equipment. My granddaughter wants to be a princess....


The Importance of the “Salt of the Earth”

  1. 16th November 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Salt is an important commodity, and it has been for millennia. It is one of the basic necessities of life, so vital that it was even used as a form of currency in ancient times, giving rise to the common saying that something or someone is “worth their salt”—or not.


If It Doesn't Kill You...

  1. 13th November 2024
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

When I was ten, we had a bully named Billy in our neighborhood who threatened to beat up anybody who would cross his path the wrong way. Billy stood a foot taller than most of the other boys and was twice as bulky. Billy seemed to be in a bad attitude most of the time and was always seen pounding his fist into his other hand in the standard bully fashion. No one...


Americans just elected Mr. Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. Many other officials were also elected. Will the new President, Vice President, and other elected leaders solve the nation’s enormous problems? What is in store for America?


Did You Ever Wonder…?

  1. 02nd November 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The heartrending stories of human suffering that often dominate the daily news cycle can burden us heavily. From that perspective, it is refreshing to run across some lighthearted comment or humorous nugget that brings a smile, just when you need it. Some time ago, I found a list of fun, thought-provoking questions to ponder. You might enjoy them, too. Did you...


Something to Count On

  1. 30th October 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“Nothing is worthy of respect. Nothing is sacred. There are no absolutes. Humankind must make its own way.” This widely held belief or viewpoint is an atheistic, materialistic approach to life. If one holds this view, then there are no real restraints on behavior. After all, who cares? What difference does it make? According to this view, there is no...

