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May-June 2008

Article 2

Have the Western nations prospered by chance? Has some aspect of their character or environment made the difference? Or is Almighty God working, behind the scenes, to accomplish His purpose?

Article 3

An early morning shock provides a surprising view of an age-old problem.

Watch and Warn

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink."


Few realize that—partly because of democracy—the U.S. is headed for a financial catastrophe unless major changes occur!

Prophecy Comes Alive

Many end-time prophecies focus on events that will occur in the Middle East and involve the city of Jerusalem. Here is how Jesus described one crucial end-time event...

Questions and Answers

Question: I have always understood that when Christians die, their souls go to heaven right away to be with Jesus. How, then, should I understand scriptures like Ecclesiastes 9:5, which say, "the dead know nothing"? What happens...

Letter to the Editor

I received your booklet, Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer. I was so moved by it. After...

March-April 2008

Cover Story

What people call "Christianity" today bears almost no resemblance to the faith and practice of Jesus Christ and His apostles. But you can live by what Christ taught, and receive the blessings He intends for you, if you know how!

Feature Story

From social hub to self-help center, churches are redefining their missions in the hope of gaining new members. But what does the Bible say the Church should be doing?


You probably own a Bible, but if it mostly sits on your coffee table or your shelf, it cannot help you. There are proven strategies you can learn to make the most of your Bible study!
