Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2008

Article 2

Is Europe dying? It certainly is not reproducing itself, as birthrates have fallen far below replacement rates. European nations are relying on immigration to fill jobs—and to fill nurseries. What happens when immigrants' values are at odds with...

Article 3

Who is now the sovereign authority over Great Britain? By giving her Royal Assent to the Lisbon Treaty, Queen Elizabeth II has brought about an unprecedented change of tremendous unrecognized significance.

Watch and Warn

Not only is the U.S. losing its ability to shape world events; the U.S. is being shaped by other nations that are controlling its destiny from abroad.


Why do some churchgoers fail to recognize the very real God of the Bible, and fail to understand how He is right now causing the fulfillment of specific biblical prophecies that will massively affect our nations and our lives?

Prophecy Comes Alive

Why are all these events erupting and converging at the same time. Where is it leading? Why are these calamitous events happening now?

Questions and Answers

Question: In Genesis 4, Cain committed the first murder ever recorded. What prompted Cain to murder his brother Abel?

Letter to the Editor

I have always been interested in prophecy, and have often wondered who the woman riding the beast was. Thank you for putting the truth out for people to read for free....

July-August 2008

Cover Story

In a world filled with terrorism, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, "rogue" nuclear nations and social unrest, is "Armageddon" at our door? Will our political and military leaders destroy our planet, or is there hope? Your...

Feature Story

Does God have a plan for the billions who have died without ever hearing His true Gospel? Many "mainstream" preachers teach that there is a burning Hell filled with those who have never even heard of Jesus Christ. But what does your Bible really...

Article 1

The world economy is reeling from the effects of the "sub-prime mortgage crisis." Financial experts are worried that fragile global economic institutions may be in serious peril. Why has this happened, and is there anything we can do about it?...
