Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2006

Article 2

Does a united Europe sound plausible to you? It did to the ancient Romans, whose empire provides a model that many Europeans appreciate even today. A look at ancient Rome's techniques can help us understand Europe's very near future.

Article 3

Imagine that you have almost reached the pinnacle of your life's ambition, but a painful dilemma stands between you and your goal. What choices do you really have—and what are the consequences?

Watch and Warn

Not long ago, most people assumed that slavery was a thing of the past, and that the idea of one person holding another as property—to be used involuntarily, by coercion, for the master's benefit and profit—had disappeared as human civilization...


Millions of people throughout the western world have read The Da Vinci Code. This last summer, millions saw a film based on the novel. It is challenging the faith of many churchgoers! And it is confusing millions about what the Bible really says...

Prophecy Comes Alive

The "primacy of Peter" doctrine asserts that Jesus gave Peter, and Peter's successors, authority to function as the sole custodians of true Christian teaching—and as Pope Benedict asserted, "This primacy is for all time" (ibid.). Supporters of...

July-August 2006

Cover Story

The United States is often considered one of the world's leading nations. Sadly, America is more and more leading the world in immorality. How will the decline of this once-great nation affect our world—and you?

Feature Story

Historians often discount the Bible as accurate history. Theologians say that much of Scripture is no longer relevant for Christians. What is the truth? Is the Bible—the whole Bible—a true and invaluable guide for Christian life today?

Article 1

Most Bible students do not realize that Scripture mentions today's prominent nations. When you know how to find the United States, Great Britain, Germany and other nations in the pages of your Bible, you can understand prophecy more than ever...

Article 2

At the dawn of the American Revolution, God intervened in a dramatic way to save General George Washington's army from defeat. If you doubt that God intervenes in history to bring about fulfilled prophecy, the story of Brooklyn Heights may change...

Article 3

A year after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast of the United States, people are beginning to rebuild their homes and their lives. What lessons have we learned from the monumental devastation? What lessons should we be learning?
