Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2003


Millions venerate Mary, Jesus' mother, with such titles as "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" without realizing that these are pre-Christian titles, condemned by Scripture. Why do so many treat Mary with the same veneration once given to pagan...


What are you willing to give up in order to be Christ's disciple? What are you unwilling to give up? Are you putting anything in your life ahead of God? Jesus gave some powerful advice to a rich young ruler. Does that advice apply to you?


How can we know if, or when, Jesus Christ will return? The Bible reveals clear signs that will herald the return of our Savior. The good news is that Jesus Christ will soon establish peace on earth, and prepare humanity for its eternal destiny as...


Although most modern churchgoers are sincere and well-meaning, they are absolutely deceived regarding the major issues of life, death and the hereafter. They are certainly deceived if they think for one minute that they are practicing true "...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Is world peace really possible? The quest for peace seems endless. It is in the news almost every day, yet our world grows more brutal by the minute!

Questions and Answers

Question: Various churches use water to perform a rite they call baptism. What is the purpose of water baptism? What method of baptism is correct according to the Bible?

Answer: Few in modern Christianity...

September-October 2003

Cover Story

All around us, we see violence between nations and conflict between individuals. The Cold War is behind us, but fears of terrorism and global nuclear holocaust remain. Will mankind destroy itself? The Bible reveals that there will be a "World War...

Feature Story

The Bible warns that "false Christs" would come, denying Jesus' true message. Has this occurred? Will it occur in the future? Why are billions who call themselves "Christians" unaware of what Jesus Christ really taught? As Christians, we need to...


Victorious over military enemies in war after war, Great Britain is now succumbing to attacks by cultural enemies within. As this once-proud nation abandons the values that supported its prosperity and greatness, what lessons can the rest of the...


Have you ever proven for yourself the truth of your religious convictions, or do you just "go along" with everyone around you? Have you considered that some of your most basic beliefs may be wrong? The Bible offers answers to those who wish to...
