Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2004


Our world today is more materialistic than it has been for millennia—maybe more than it has ever been. Today's society is obsessed with greed and possessiveness. Mankind today worships material things and places their acquisition as the first...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Bible prophecies about the end of the age employ sobering images of four horsemen to describe terrible events that will sweep over the earth just before the return of Jesus Christ.

Questions and Answers

Question: In Exodus 20:5, God states that He is a jealous God, but in Galatians 5:20 jealousies are mentioned among sinful fruits of the flesh. Is this a contradiction?

January-February 2004

Feature Story

The United States is waning as a global power, and the world is looking for new leadership. Europe is moving closer to unification. The long papacy of John Paul II may be very near its end. What will come next in Europe—and what does Bible...


There are seemingly countless ideas about God. How can you know which is true? Is God a mysterious "trinity" or an unseen essence? Is God even knowable? Is He real to you? Your Bible says that you can know the real God!


The year 2000 came and went with very little fanfare. Self-proclaimed prophets have watched their timelines fail again and again, but what does your Bible say about the real Millennium? What will it mean for you?


Millennia ago, God made promises to His "chosen people" which are affecting world events even today. Yet many do not know who His chosen people are—or the amazing future He has planned for all whom He will choose.

Prophecy Comes Alive

Most modern scholars simply do not grasp the significance of Bible prophecies that indicate the current locations of the so-called Lost Tribes.

November-December 2003

Cover Story

Millions who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ know far more about the Messenger than about His Message. What is that message, and how will it affect your future—your eternity—in God's Kingdom? You may be surprised by what the Bible...

Feature Story

On the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, history and Scripture show us that God is faithful to His promises. Many in the United States credit God for the nation's prosperity and blessings. But few realize that these blessings were...
