A Guttenberg Comeback? | Tomorrow's World

A Guttenberg Comeback?

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Just prior to the recent German elections, former German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg spoke at a rally in Bavaria, where 1,000 people came to support him (Financial Times, September 1, 2017). Guttenberg resigned from his government post seven years ago due to a plagiarism scandal and moved to New York, where he has continued to speak out on European affairs and the need for stronger leadership in the EU. However, many Germans want him back and see him as their future Chancellor. One policy analysist observed, “He is a charismatic politician in a political landscape not overloaded with charisma,” while onlookers at his rally described him as “brilliant,” “captivating,” and “the savior of us all.” Chancellor Angela Merkel reports she is “in good contact” with zu Guttenberg—one of her ardent supporters. Other leading German politicians have mapped different ways for him to return to the top of German politics.

Where Guttenberg’s future will lead is uncertain. However, Bible prophecy reveals that an end-time charismatic individual will lead a German-led European power called the “beast” at the time of Christ’s return. This leader will work with a powerful religious figure to influence ten European leaders to give their power to this “beast” (see Revelation 17). While there have been a number of charismatic figures who have come and gone in Europe, someone is going to fill this prophesied role. It is worth keeping an eye on this charismatic and ambitious politician still backed by many of Germany’s elite. For more on the future of Germany and Europe, read “Resurgent Germany: A Fourth Reich?