News and Prophecy | Page 158 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

A Palestinian state by September?

  1. 13th April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“For years, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has been a technocrat shaping institutions to be ready for a future Palestinian state. Now he is crisscrossing the West Bank like a prophet, telling his people the dream of sovereignty is about to be fulfilled.”


Natural disasters—a sign from God?

  1. 11th April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In the wake of Japan’s recent earthquake and tsunami, Tokyo’s governor referred to the events as tembatsu—or “divine judgment.” Mr. Ishihara subsequently apologized for his religious-sounding comments. However, many around the globe agree with Mr. Ishihara’s initial assessment. A recent poll of Americans revealed that about 40% view natural disasters as “a sign...


The Czech Republic and the EU.

  1. 08th April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The euroskeptic president of the Czech Republic recently warned that adoption of new economic policies proposed at the EU Summit in Brussels would lead to political union—something many EU nations want to avoid. In a scathing article, President Klaus told how he was coerced into signing the Lisbon Treaty with promises that no further integration moves would...


Middle East events and Muslim prophecy.

  1. 06th April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The regime in Iran just approved a powerful video, soon to be released throughout the Middle East. The video analyzes regime changes in the region and the declining health of the Iranian enemy, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. It concludes that all these events are signs that the return of the 12th Imam/Mahdi or “Islamic messiah” is imminent. The video also...


Is the EU splitting?

  1. 04th April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

For nearly two decades, Euro-skeptics have warned that the euro currency would result in division in Europe. The idea of a “two-speed” EU has been mentioned for years, but now appears to be a definite possibility! The 27-member EU is poised to divide into 10 non-Eurozone members and 17 Eurozone members. This “in” group could shrink further as debtor nations are...


Endangered wheat supplies.

  1. 01st April 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

This winter has been the “driest” in 44 years in Texas—which is America’s second-largest wheat producing state. The drought is also negatively affecting cattle land and thus cattle herds. A March 20 report noted that “More than half the wheat fields and pastures [in Texas] were rated in poor or very poor condition.”


Minister chastised for preaching against hell.

  1. 30th March 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Evangelical pastor Rob Bell has been called a “rock star pastor” by many. In his new book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, Bell suggests that most non-Christians will not burn in an everlasting hell fire and that the Bible does not support such a concept.  Predictably, Bell’s book attracts “fire-and-brimstone”...


Financial terrorism.

  1. 28th March 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

An unclassified 2009 report produced by a U.S. government contractor concluded that the 2008 economic crash may have been perpetrated in part by international financial terrorists.


America’s foreign creditors.

  1. 25th March 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A recent article highlighted how much of the U.S. debt is held by foreign creditors (approximately 30%). China and Japan combined hold about 40% of the foreign-owned debt. Other creditors include the UK, Russia, Canada, Hong Kong, and many oil-exporting nations in the Middle East.


Christian values under attack.

  1. 21st March 2011
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In what some are calling a “landmark decision,” two UK High Court judges recently ruled that a couple could not serve as foster parents because they believe homosexuality is a sin. The case was brought by a social worker who was worried when the couple would not condone homosexuality. Mrs. Johns, one of the potential foster parents, commented for herself and her...

