News and Prophecy | Page 6 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Oxygen at the Bottom of the Ocean?

  1. 05th August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The prevailing wisdom on the oxygenation of the ocean is that plants in the top layers of ocean waters produce oxygen through photosynthesis, just like plants on land. As ocean depths increase and light gives way to complete darkness, oxygen levels in seawater should theoretically decrease.


Is Germany Preparing for War?

  1. 02nd August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

After Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago, fear and unrest spread across Europe. A ground war on European soil conjured up memories of the past. Following the invasion, Germany’s Interior Minister stated that “Germany is to begin strengthening its bunker and basement infrastructure following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” (The Independent, April 9, 2022).


Could U.S.-Saudi Deal Push Nuclear Weapons Development?

  1. 29th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

American and Saudi flags and a nuclear cloud Sometime in the 1960s, Israel became the first nation in the Middle East to possess a nuclear bomb. Thanks to assistance from France, Israel created a nuclear deterrent intended to allow the fledgling nation to survive while surrounded by nations that hate its existence. Opponents of Israel’s nuclear ambitions warned that these efforts could lead to a nuclear...


European Defense Union Coming?

  1. 26th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Europeans have been talking about a common defense union for many years, but little has developed. That appears to be changing. Ursula von der Leyen was just reelected for another five-year term as President of the European Commission after nearly losing her job (CNN, July 18, 2024). In one speech, she profoundly observed that the next five years will define...


More Extreme Crimes

  1. 22nd July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Last weekend, former U.S. President Donald Trump was injured in an assassination attempt at a political rally. As widely reported, Mr. Trump was shot in the ear with a bullet that just barely missed his skull. The gunman was killed and at least one member of the audience present at the rally was also killed. The attack prompted President Biden to make a...


“The Germans Are Worshiping the God of War Once More”

  1. 19th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

That bold statement is the title of a recent article published in the Telegraph (June 15, 2024). The article notes that, thanks to the Ukraine conflict, many nations are coming to understand that modern warfare is really an artillery war. He then cited Joseph Stalin’s reference to artillery as the “God of War.” The war in Ukraine uses “millions of shells and...


Youth Marijuana and Psychiatric Problems

  1. 15th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

South Africa is the latest in a long list of nations legalizing recreational marijuana use (Al Jazeera, June 10, 2024). Some wonder if South Africa’s decision will prompt other African nations to follow its lead. The socio-political peer pressure is high, and politicians are moving to make this once-illicit drug legal for the people of their nations, in spite of...


Greece’s Six-Day Work Week

  1. 12th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Populations are shrinking around the globe due to falling birth rates. In addition to declining birth rates, over the last decade, Greece has lost more than 500,000 “mostly young educated Greeks” who have emigrated due to the difficult financial situation in the country (The Guardian, July 1, 2024). The nation is feeling the impact of this population decline and...


New Archaeology Supports Bible Narrative

  1. 08th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

archaeological tools and a Bible laying on the dirt According to critics, the Bible is supposedly full of myths and far-fetched stories. Yet, over time, evidence continues to emerge that substantiates biblical narratives. One such account is recorded in 2 Kings 19 where Jerusalem was surrounded by the massive army of Assyrian king Sennacherib. The king’s commander sent a letter to Hezekiah, the king of Judah,...


Is Super AI Coming?

  1. 05th July 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

man standing in a shadow created by the large letters AI Is there anyone who has not heard of AI at this point? AI, or artificial intelligence, is growing to dominate tech. It seems like every company is jumping on the AI bandwagon—even your smartphone has AI built in, even when you don’t realize it. AI is used for writing reports and news articles, and some students are even using AI to write their term papers....

