News and Prophecy | Page 4 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Will the EU Take Action in Gaza and Israel?

  1. 20th September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The Israel-Hamas war is approaching its one-year anniversary, and there appears to be no end in sight. Initially supported by other nations horrified at the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023, the war is now stirring up animosity and frustration among many of Israel’s allies. While Israel appears to have no plans for how to bring the conflict to a...


Anarchy: Gaza Follows Haiti

  1. 16th September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

For over a year, Haiti’s law enforcement system has been in shambles. Despite police assistance from Kenya and monetary and military hardware aid from the United States and the United Nations, the situation in Haiti is far from being under control (Reuters, September 3, 2024). The aid has been slow to arrive, leaving security forces struggling against gangs and...


Australia Dusting Off Old Air Bases

  1. 13th September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Rising tensions in the Pacific are stirring nations to act. “Across Australia, decades-old facilities—many built by the United States during World War II—are being dusted off or upgraded amid growing fears of another global conflict” (The Washington Post, August 24, 2024). According to officials, these efforts are not for offense but for “deterrence.” The U.S.


Why Don’t Americans Want Children?

  1. 09th September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Today, fewer Americans than ever are having children. In 2023, the fertility rate in the United States actually fell to 1.6 births per woman, and that is below replacement level, which is 2.1 births per woman (CNBC, August 16, 2024). However, Americans are simply following a trend that is evident in many other Western nations.


AI Is a “Master of Deception”

  1. 06th September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

AI logo on circuit board Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm. You can now use AI to learn languages, translate documents, compose music, and even write term papers for school. AI is everywhere, but its potential for danger and harm is still not fully understood—and is often underestimated.


"Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than We Dare Imagine”

  1. 02nd September 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

“Nuclear War Is Much Closer Than We Dare Imagine” was the sobering title of an article in the Telegraph on August 21. The article outlines Russian, Chinese, and North Korean nuclear advances, and discusses Russia’s work on new nuclear-related space-based technologies about which few details are known.


The World's Economic Engine Is Slowing

  1. 30th August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As Europe’s manufacturing sector struggles, new German data is sobering. The Telegraph reports that German employment rates are falling at their fastest rate in four years, and manufacturing orders are being further cut (August 22, 2024). And now the service sector is starting to slow.


Factory Farms Create Many Problems

  1. 26th August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Today, farmers are under pressure to produce greater and greater amounts of food, due in part to the large number of people who live in cities and are unable to produce their own food. Factory farming or “feedlots” is a common approach to provide meat for such vast populations while maximizing profits. But factory farming creates its own problems. When thousands...


Ants Tend to Each Other’s Wounds

  1. 23rd August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The author of the book of Proverbs tells us, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6). Indeed, much wisdom can be gleaned from the study of ants.


Thousands of Toxic UK Landfills

  1. 19th August 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A recent study in the British Medical Journal found there are over 21,000 historic landfills across Britain that contain unknown substances (The Guardian, June 28, 2024).

