| Tomorrow's World

Fifty-five Years After the Kennedy Assassination

Fifty-five years ago, I was sitting in a high school classroom when a news broadcast came over the intercom. Soon enough, the enormity of the event became apparent. President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated!

Double Bubble Trouble!

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Stocks and bonds form massive bubble!

Well, that is not exactly how Shakespeare wrote it in Macbeth, but some economic soothsayers are putting out a very similar message to their clients—and are doing so in no uncertain terms.

Increasing German Resentment of the U.S.

“A new poll by German public television (ARD) indicates that only 35 percent of Germans still see the United States as a good partner. That figure has fallen 14 points since just this past July when about half of all Germans saw America as a partner they could trust. The new poll… also indicates that 61 percent of Germans now see the United States as an untrustworthy partner” (McClatchyDC, November 8, 2013).

How Big Is the Universe?

King David, the warrior-poet of ancient Israel, once gazed at the night sky and asked, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?” (Psalm 8:3–4).

Reputation, Character and Leadership

A recent survey by The Reputation Institute surveyed more than 27,000 people from the G-8 countries, to arrive at a reputation ranking for 50 countries around the globe. The result? “Canada has the best reputation, for the third year in a row” (Barron’s, August 19, 2013).
