| Tomorrow's World

The Miracle

On a cold Sunday many years ago, the local sheriff called me at my home. I was a teacher in a small town school and some of my students had been found unattended and deserted in their home. I was well acquainted with three of the boys who were in my class at school and there was also a sister and a baby. The sheriff found a lady, recently widowed, who had applied to run a foster home and she took all of the children to her home that very day. I never expected to see them again because it was in a different part of our county.

Travels and blessings in Myanmar

This is the final part of my report on my trip from Malaysia to visit our wonderful brethren in Myanmar and I hope that you find it encouraging to hear how God is providing for His faithful little flock in this distant but beautiful land. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Myanmar. For their safety, I cannot share their names in this report.

The Debt Bomb 2.0

A Tomorrow’s World article last year warned that trillion-dollar budget deficits run up by the United States government are accumulating into an unsustainable “debt bomb” that will eventually explode to the detriment of the nation. A recent Wall Street Journal article has now warned of the same “debt bomb”—as the crisis Tomorrow’s World described last year is growing even worse!

The day the earth stood still

My wife and I rarely go to the movies, but I decided to shock her and we went to see The Day the Earth Stood Still. Okay, I know that isn't much of a treat, but it seemed better than the alternatives.  This is a science fiction remake about an outer space human-like visitor who, with his faithful indestructible robot,  comes to Earth on an important mission.

Samhain: The Original Halloween

A friend of mine told me once that he did not feel comfortable celebrating Halloween, even though he enjoyed attending a “harvest festival” his church held each year on the evening of October 31.

So, what is Halloween to Christians, if anything? What is the origin of the holiday? Is it merely a harvest festival? Should Christians celebrate this holiday, either as a harvest festival or as something else entirely?
