Commentary | Page 4 | Tomorrow's World


Something to Count On

  1. 30th October 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“Nothing is worthy of respect. Nothing is sacred. There are no absolutes. Humankind must make its own way.” This widely held belief or viewpoint is an atheistic, materialistic approach to life. If one holds this view, then there are no real restraints on behavior. After all, who cares? What difference does it make? According to this view, there is no...


The Times of Restoration

  1. 26th October 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

A field of trees under a rainbow and a deep blue sky When are the “times of restoration” spoken of by the prophets, the Apostle Peter, and Jesus Christ? What is going to be restored? And when will it be restored? After His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples of “the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” and instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:3–4). The disciples...


The Last Great Day Solves a Biblical Enigma

  1. 23rd October 2024
  2. Josh Lyons

Countless human beings have lived and died without ever hearing of Jesus Christ or knowing anything about the Bible. Many more have heard of Jesus Christ but never understood or pursued biblical Christianity. What happens to these billions of people?


Pets: Past and Future

  1. 19th October 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Throughout history, mankind has made pets of many animals large and small, including hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, rabbits, birds, lizards, turtles, fish, horses, pigs, monkeys, ants, tarantulas, snakes, and others. Dogs top the list of pets that we tend to love, followed by cats in most cases. Of the millions of species of animals God created, only a very small...


Sad Songs

  1. 16th October 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Music plays a role in countless human lives. Emotions, memories, and even spirituality can be bound up in music. God is a lover of good songs, too. Music lovers, particularly country music, blues, and some pop or rock tunes, listen to a steady stream of sad songs with lyrics and melodies about lost love, broken relationships, conditions of poverty, and...


Why Is There So Much Carnage in the World Today?

  1. 12th October 2024
  2. Scott D. Winnail

The daily news bubbles over with carnage and shocking acts of violence. In September 2024 in central England, an 80-year-old man was allegedly killed by a boy of 14 (BBC, September 5, 2024). Brutal rapes and murders continue in India (MSN, October 6, 2024).


Times of Refreshing

  1. 09th October 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Do you ever feel entrapped by urban sprawl? Do you long for the peace and tranquility of a panoramic scene of natural beauty, like a glacier-fed lake at the foot of snow-covered mountains with cool crisp air filling your lungs—without the rumble, roar, and clang of traffic noises? Would fresh trout on the banks of a flowing stream make a delicious supper as a...


Is There Any Hope?

  1. 05th October 2024
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

In cities around the globe, and across every populated continent, our world is mired in violence, pain, and suffering. It seems more than ever that crime, disease, and human travail are with us everywhere you look. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there any hope?” God’s word gives the answer!


The Messiah and His Bride

  1. 02nd October 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

It is surprising to some that many prophecies foretell the marriage of Christ to His Church. There are references to this marriage in many of the parables Jesus spoke, as well as in the epistles of Paul. The book of Revelation clearly identifies the bride (the Church) who becomes the wife of the Lamb (Jesus Christ), and it also described their wedding supper.


The “Second Mouse”

  1. 28th September 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The well-known cliché “The early bird gets the worm” is often followed by another time-worn truism, “The second mouse gets the cheese.” While we chuckle at these mental word pictures, they do contain a grain of truth that applies to everyone.

