Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2005


On Easter, billions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But how many really know what they are doing? Many do not realize that the first Christians did not celebrate Easter—and that Scripture offers a biblical alternative, instituted by...


As the world's only remaining superpower, can—and should—the United States use its economic and military strength to enforce its values on other nations? Bible prophecy warns that U.S. entanglements overseas will play a vital role in end-time...


Do you pray regularly? Does God always answer your prayers? When you feel that your prayers are not being answered, where do you turn? The Bible offers practical strategies that can help you recognize—and respond to—God's answers to your prayers...


In our desire to be "nice" or "tolerant," we may unwittingly water down our entire concept of right and wrong. In this "tolerant" spirit, some assume that all religions are equal—that God has not revealed unique truth through His Word or through...

Prophecy Comes Alive

God warned through the prophet Jeremiah that "all your lovers have forgotten [forsaken] you… I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy… because your sins have increased… in the latter days you will consider [understand] it" (Jeremiah 30:14,...

Questions and Answers

Question: In Isaiah 26:14, the prophet Isaiah seems to indicate that the dead will not be resurrected. However, we know that Jesus Christ taught the hope of the resurrection. To what, then, was Isaiah referring?

January-February 2005

Cover Story

Islam is on the rise in a continent once dominated by Roman Catholicism, but the Vatican is keen on maintaining what influence it can. You need to understand how ominous political and social developments in Europe will affect you in the years...

Feature Story

For decades, world leaders have dreamed of, and planned for, a one-world government. To date, mankind's best efforts have always failed, but attempts continue and the goal remains. Your Bible reveals that there will be a "New World Order" soon—...


When you read the news, it seems that mankind is always at war somewhere. This has been true throughout history. With a past history of near-constant warfare, what is humanity's hope for the future? Will there ever be peace? Your Bible offers an...


More than 40 years after Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, are we any closer to living in a world in which people are truly judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character?
