Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2001

Cover Story

Millions of Bible students read Revelation 17 but do not understand the identity of the "Harlot" it describes. Scripture shows that this Harlot is very powerful, sitting astride a system encompassing many nations and peoples. This Harlot will "...

Feature Story

What prompts millions to court danger by abusing chemical substances in search of elusive pleasure? Are they missing something in their lives? Why do people take such risks? The ultimate answer can be found not in clinical programs or medical...


The occult is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the entertainment industry, even while belief in a literal Devil remains unfashionable. As millions explore the spirit world in art, music and literature, Christians must ask themselves:...


As the world becomes more and more interconnected, nations are fracturing along old ethnic and religious lines. Pension funds in Canada can be affected by economic developments in Russia or Thailand. Is there an alternative to mankind's fragile...


Most people smugly drift along through life holding ideas and beliefs which they have never PROVED! This may not be too dangerous when it involves opinions about sports teams, or about who was the world's greatest politician, the most beautiful...

November-December 2000

Cover Story

For months, citizens of the United States have been bombarded with advertising urging them to "Vote for Al Gore!" or "Vote for George W. Bush!" How should a real Christian respond in such a politically charged atmosphere? More importantly—how...

Feature Story

Scientists are forming plans for trips to Mars, though high costs and fragile technologies pose obstacles. God has an awesome destiny planned for humanity, more exciting and amazing than any science fiction story ever written. Your Bible reveals...


Although the 20th century brought dramatic changes to our modern world, the ideas and beliefs that took root can trace their origins to centuries past. What are the consequences of mankind's most cherished beliefs? What is the truth, and where...


At year-end, busy shoppers and revelers turn their attention to Halloween, Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations. But how often do they stop to ask "Why?" What do these holidays mean, and do they obscure mankind's attention from more...


Many surveys show that Americans think their leaders—especially their presidents—should possess good character. Yet when it comes to specifics, most Americans tend to vote for the man or party they agree with on the "pocketbook" issues—the issues...
