Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2000

Cover Story

After nearly two centuries of decline, China is emerging as Asia's new epicenter of industry, trade and military power. With the world's largest army, and ambitions for greatness, China is poised to claim a position of world dominance. Its...

Feature Story

Prophecy reveals some shocking truths about Germany's role in soon-coming end-time events. As Germans enjoy their nation's growing prosperity and power, many look to Germany as Europe's real leader. But where will a revitalized Germany lead...


The Ten Commandments and prayer have been barred from many American classrooms, replaced by anti-God teachings that ignore the foundation of truth—God's Word and Jesus Christ's example. But Christians can still find true education even in this...


Why is the United States losing credibility with the Philippines—one of its most dependable Pacific Rim allies? Base closures, pollution and military misconduct have strained relations between two traditional friends and allies. What does this...


Politicians accuse their opponents of lacking character, and the press routinely exposes character flaws of athletes, entertainers and executives. Some say that private behavior is not relevant to public performance, and that character does not...


Jesus Christ told the religious leaders of His day, "Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times" (Matthew 16:3).

July-August 2000

Cover Story

Will the dawn of a new century bring worldwide nuclear devastation, or will it usher in an era of lasting peace? Mankind is developing newer and more frightening technologies with which to destroy itself, even as political and social tensions...

Feature Story

Many Christians try to distinguish the God of the Old Testament from the person of Jesus Christ. Yet your Bible shows that Jesus Christ, who pre-existed with God the Father from eternity, was the One who spoke to Abraham and Moses and gave the...


The family has become a laboratory for social experimentation. The Bible has fallen out of favor as a guide for child-rearing, replaced by the ideas of such theorists as Freud, Dewey and Spock. But are our children healthier and happier as a...


Some of modern Christianity's most "progressive" ideas are rooted in heresies taught by false teachers who opposed Christ's gospel. Gnosticism is not just an ancient false philosophy—it is a force that has corrupted true Christianity almost from...
