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Elephant ivory has been treasured for millennia, but “Researchers believe that since 2010 an average of nearly 35,000 elephants have been killed annually on the [African] continent. They warn that if the rate of poaching continues, the animals could be wiped out in 100 years” (BBC, August 18, 2014). Some areas in Africa are harder hit than others. For example, “In Central Africa it is estimated that elephant numbers have fallen by about 60% in a decade” (ibid.). “The illegal trade in elephant tusks has soared in recent years, and a kilogram of ivory is now worth thousands of dollars” (ibid.).
God long ago gave humans the job of taking care of the earth and its creatures (Genesis 1:26, 28). Today though, due to greed and lack of understanding, humanity is largely responsible for the destruction of God’s creatures and His creation. God describes how His creation is “subjected to futility” against its will and how it yearns for deliverance from the “bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:19-21). As a result of human mismanagement, the creation actually “groans and labors” under man’s subjugation (v. 22). When Christ finally returns, not only will humanity be rewarded with peace and safety, but so, too, will creation and even the animals! Scripture reveals how different things will be for the animals after Christ’s return (see Isaiah 11:6-9).
For more on this wonderful vision of God’s Kingdom, be sure to read our exciting booklet, The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?