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Europe has two major threats on its borders: Russia and the Islamic State. In a recent action to confront the growing Russian threat, NATO decided to use multinational forces on its eastern borders. “The soldiers ‘will be multinational to make clear that an attack against one ally is any attack against all allies and that the alliance as a whole will respond,’ Stoltenberg told a news conference following the first session of the two-day defense ministers’ meeting” (Associated Press, February 10, 2016). But, “Left unaddressed, however, is Europe’s most immediate and perhaps most significant challenge—the re-nationalization of European politics, which poses an existential threat to the European Union. Ultimately, confronting this immediate crisis will be critical to any success in meeting the challenges posed by Russia and ISIL” (Politico, February 9, 2016). The popular press has also noted that “Paris and Berlin don’t see eye to eye on a major European topic: refugee policies. Whatever has happened to the much-touted Franco-German engine in the European Union?” (Deutsche Welle, February 16, 2016).
Bible prophecy has long foretold of the iron-and-clay nature of the end-time European nations (Daniel 2:32-44), something we are seeing highlighted more and more as EU nations move back to their nationalistic roots. For more biblical insight into the goings-on in Europe, please read “Iron and Clay.”