Iran Harasses U.S. Military | Tomorrow's World

Iran Harasses U.S. Military

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The U.S. forces in the Middle East are being increasingly provoked by Iran. “There have been 31 unsafe America[n] encounters with Iranian vessels in the Persian Gulf so far this year, up from 23 in all of 2015” (CNN, September 6, 2016). Due to weakened U.S. foreign policy, Iran has been emboldened to test U.S. might in the region. “Two American surveillance aircraft flying in what U.S. officials said was international airspace near Iran were threatened by Iranian air defense stations over the weekend, and were told by the Iranians to alter their course or face fire… State Department officials decried the incident, saying it showed Iran had yet to show signs of shifting from its aggressive stance in the region even after the international nuclear agreement reached last year” (Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2016).

Bible prophecies have long warned the descendants of ancient Israel (U.S., Britain, France, Western Europe, Israel, etc.) that if they despise His commandments and turn from Him, their nations will be “defeated by [their] enemies” and have “the pride of [their] power” broken—including their military might (Leviticus 26:15-19; Deuteronomy 28:25). Historically, when a king of Israel or Judah turned from God, foreign adversaries would increase (1 Kings 11:9, 14, 23). Today, as U.S. leaders arrogantly break and despise the laws of God, it is not surprising that Iran and other nations are directly challenging America’s global influence. For more, read our article “The Demise of the West.”