Is a Strong Arab Coalition Coming? | Tomorrow's World

Is a Strong Arab Coalition Coming?

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With the recent burning of a Jordanian pilot, some analysts speculate this may be the action that forces Arab nations together in the fight against ISIS. Over the weekend, Jordan began airstrikes against ISIS forces in Syria on its own, vowing “We are determined to wipe them from the face of the Earth” (BBC, February 8, 2015). Jordan’s actions demonstrate the growing frustration with the floundering U.S.-led coalition against ISIS. “Many high-level military officials who previously served in senior posts have started talking publicly about the ‘failure’ of the United States to defeat Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and other radical Islamists… Some are talking about the need for an Arab version of NATO” (Al Arabiya, February 8, 2015). As one analyst puts it, “From the Arab side, the members of the coalition, the Gulf countries and Jordan, in addition to Egypt, are in remarkable accord and have important joint positions. This could form a nucleus for that ‘Arab force’ that has to be considered as a serious option sooner or later” (ibid.).

ISIS may be the catalyst needed to develop this long-prophesied force. God, in His Bible, prophesied about a powerful Arab coalition or “confederacy” at the end of the age. This coalition will also have strong ties with Assyria—modern-day Germany (Psalm 83:5-8). The humbling fact is that this coalition will one day turn its focus from rogue groups in the Middle East toward the Israelite-descended nations including the U.S. and several western European nations (Ezekiel 23:22-23). Today we see foundations of this long-prophesied Arab-German confederacy forming. Bible prophecy has long forecast this coalition—something politicians and historians would never have imagined. But God’s prophecies will happen in spite of man’s beliefs to the contrary.

For more on the formation of this new Arab coalition, read our article “Nine-Eleven Plus Ten.”