Violence Against Teachers Is Increasing | Tomorrow's World

Violence Against Teachers Is Increasing

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In December 2022, students in a Nevada middle school assaulted a teacher who saw them sneaking in through an exit-only door (Wall Street Journal, June 4, 2023). As she told them to turn around, they slammed her face into a locker in the hallway. According to law enforcement, students in the school district have committed over three dozen acts of criminal battery against school staff so far this school year.

In a recent nationwide survey of almost 15,000 teachers, 14 percent reported experiencing violent events perpetrated by students. Nearly half of the teachers surveyed said they wanted to quit their jobs or move to a different school. A major cause cited for the increased violence is the lowering of disciplinary standards, emboldening students to feel they can commit violence against teachers without any fear of consequences. Longtime teachers report students are far quicker now than in years past to turn to physical force instead of just inflammatory words. Some school districts now equip teachers with panic buttons in case they feel unsafe or need assistance to quell student violence.

The prophet Isaiah foretold a coming time of world peace after the return of Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace, when children and their elders will live in harmony, respect, and safety (Zechariah 8:4–5). However, Isaiah also warned of a time immediately before the Messiah’s return when “children are their oppressors” (Isaiah 3:12). We are living in that time today, but this is going to change when Christ returns! To learn more about the future, be sure to read “Classrooms in Chaos.”