News and Prophecy | Page 2 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

German Involvement in the Holy Land

  1. 21st June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Bible prophecy indicates that a German-led European “beast” power will have a military presence in the Holy Land at the end of the age. In fact, the Bible prophesies that non-Israelite (Gentile) nations will “trample” Jerusalem shortly before Christ’s return (Luke 21:24). How might a German-led European force become directly involved with Israel and Jerusalem in...


Regular Churchgoers Are Happier!

  1. 17th June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

We live in a world where religious observance and church attendance are rapidly diminishing, especially in Europe and the United Kingdom. Yet research continues to support the idea that religion is important to health and happiness.


Germany Prepares for War by 2029

  1. 14th June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Germany’s Defense Minister Boris Pistorius again forcefully highlighted Germany’s need to strengthen its defense capabilities (Deutsche Welle, June 5, 2024). During a question period in Germany’s lower house of parliament, Pistorius stated, “We must be ready for war by 2029”—five years from now!


Is Democracy Dying in Europe?

  1. 10th June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Democracy has been hailed as the savior of civilization by many. History indicates that democracies have been wealthier and, generally, more politically stable than many other forms of government. Across Europe, democracy is seen as a fundamental value of European culture in the modern era. But the winds of change are blowing, and many do not view democracy with...


European Elections and the Future

  1. 07th June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

EU parliamentary elections are underway, and the outcome could significantly alter Europe as we know it. Leaders who have become household names across Europe could see their political parties dismantled as the political elite are replaced by growing numbers of populist leaders.


Why Science Hopes for Extraterrestrial Life

  1. 03rd June 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As multiple honest scientists have observed, a major reason for the search for purely physical explanations for phenomena is to prove God is not the answer. Why is this? Because, if there is no God, then the Bible is nullified, along with the moral law it teaches. In short, people hate being told how they should live their lives, even by their Creator. As a...


China and Russia’s Growing Alliance

  1. 31st May 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a recent meeting in Beijing, the presidents of China and Russia, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, “pledged a ‘new era’ of partnership between the two most powerful rivals of the United States, which they cast as an aggressive Cold War hegemon sowing chaos across the world” (Reuters, May 17, 2024).


Public School Board Revokes Parent Rights

  1. 27th May 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

woman with child leaving hallway under gavel In Washington County, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C., the school board recently decided that parents cannot opt their young children out of elementary school lessons focusing on LGBTQ+ themes. Concerned parents sued the school district, requesting the right to prevent their children from being forced to participate in the lessons on the basis of their...


DNA Sale!

  1. 24th May 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As the end of the age draws closer, real life seems to blur with science fiction. Today’s realities are becoming scenes out of a dystopian movie or political espionage novel. The last two decades have witnessed monumental advances in the field of genetics. Scientists are learning how to turn genes on and off and how to program organisms in the language of...


Stern Doctors or Researchers with red question mark and transgender symbol The transgender movement is heavily backed by politicians, the media, and an aggressive collection of activists. Promoters claim that so-called “gender-affirming therapy” saves lives and makes people happier. However, a growing body of research suggests just the opposite. While European nations are moving away from such therapies for children and youth, America...

