Questioning Christmas | Telecasts | Tomorrow's World

Questioning Christmas

Questioning Christmas

  Original Air Date: 10th December 2020

There is a problem with Christmas, and it goes beyond “putting Christ back in it.”  The truth is that it conflicts with the Biblical record and therefore undermines the true meaning of Jesus’ birth.  The truth is that much of the Christmas narrative predates the birth of Christ. How is that possible? If the story and the traditions we are familiar with do not find their origins in the Bible, where do they come from? Discover four problems with Christmas, problems for which every sincere Christian should be concerned.

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Is Christmas Christian?

We see the scene every year—decorated trees, evergreen wreaths, and bright multi-colored lights. Sometimes there is a little crèche in the corner, depicting an infant child receiving lavish gifts. Yet most of the gift-giving these days is done by debt-laden adults, trying to outdo each other in gifting children, family members, and friends with the latest style or fad.

Is this what Jesus Christ had in mind for His followers? For that matter, do these traditions have anything at all to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? People often say, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas”—but was He ever there? Where did we get our many traditions? The answers may surprise you!

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