Rod McNair | Page 10 | Tomorrow's World

Rod McNair

Did Jesus' Disciples Celebrate Easter?

Easter…It’s the holiest day of the year for hundreds of millions of people. But did Christ’s disciples celebrate EASTER to honor His resurrection?

Is Easter The Most Important Christian Holiday?

Easter… It’s the holiest day of the year for hundreds of millions of people. In the northern Hemisphere, traditions focus on the coming of Spring. Winter is over. Fields and farms are alive with color. Trees and flowers burst with new life. And Easter traditions are observed around the world. The “Woman’s Day” website brings out some of the more unusual examples, like young boys dousing young girls with water, in Poland and Hungary. According to the website, this playful tradition has roots in ancient fertility rites. Other Easter traditions are also linked to Spring-time fertility rituals, meant to ensure good crops. In Florence, Italy, for example, they blow up carts with explosives. And in the Greek island of Corfu, they drop clay pots out of second story windows.

If that sounds strange though, how about American traditions, like an Easter bunny that lays eggs?

And what does this all have to do with Jesus’ resurrection?

You see, many well-meaning people practice these rather odd traditions, but also view Easter as a time to honor Jesus Christ. After all, the Bible DOES say Jesus died in the Spring. And after dying and being laid in a grave, He miraculously revived. He was resurrected!

But did His disciples celebrate EASTER to honor His resurrection? That’s an important question to ask. And that’s what we’ll attempt to answer on today’s program.

So join me on Tomorrow's World, as we ask, and answer, the question: “Did Jesus’ disciples celebrate Easter?”

Easter Is A Religious Lie

Easter traditions are kept all over the world. In the Northern Hemisphere, most of them center around the new life of Spring. Winter’s over, and trees and flowers burst with blossoms. But even down-under, when March and April bring autumn, Easter is observed, but with a little twist. Instead of eating chocolate rabbits, Australian children eat chocolates formed in a shape of a mouse-like creature called a “bilby.” When it comes to Easter, it seems there’s something for everyone.

For many who attend church, Easter is the holiest day of the year. And what could be more important than celebrating Jesus’ resurrection?

Many sincere, well-meaning people seek to do just that. But is Easter biblical? Is the word “Easter” even found in the Bible? The answer is, the word “Easter” IS found in one place in the King James Bible. If you have a King James Bible, take a look at Acts 12:4. It tells the story of James being imprisoned and then executed by King Herod. Then, Herod arrested Peter as well. And notice what it says next:

“And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.” (Acts 12:4) (KJV)

But look under the surface. The word “Easter” isn’t intended there at all. Theologian Adam Clarke explains this in his commentary on the verse. He says:

“Perhaps there never was a more unhappy, not to say absurd, translation than that in our text [KJV]…. The term Easter, inserted here by our translators, they borrowed from the ancient Anglo-Saxon service-books….” (Adam Clarke’s Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 774).

He then explains that the goddess Easter, or Ishtar:

“…was celebrated by our pagan forefathers on the month of April…. Every view we can take of this subject shows the gross impropriety of retaining a name every way exceptionable, and palpably absurd.” (Adam Clarke’s Commentary, Vol. 5, p. 775).

So, the one place where the word “Easter” is found in the Bible, is a mistranslation. Does that surprise you? The Greek word translated “Easter” in Acts 12:4 was actually the word “pascha,” or what we say in English, “Passover.” So, Acts 12:4 should have read: “...Intending after Passover to bring him out to the people….”

What was Passover? Passover was a festival being kept by the Jews. It involved eating a meal of a sacrificial lamb, slain just for that purpose. It was in the Springtime. Many Jews still keep Passover today, in one form or another.

So, the word Easter is not found in the Bible. And the one place it seems to be, is a mistranslation. If this is so, why do so many observe it?

As stated already, many people sincerely believe they honor the resurrection of Jesus by observing Easter. And yes, the resurrection IS found in the Bible. All four Gospel writers testified to it. And we in this Work have a profound feeling and AWE for what Jesus did in dying for our sins. We believe that through His shed blood, through faith IN Him, we can ALSO attain to the resurrection. That’s the wonderful hope of every Christian.

But back to the original question: Did the disciples of Jesus celebrate Easter? IF they did, we should follow their example. If they did not, we must ask the question, “Why not?”

And we’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let me offer you our free study guide, Easter: The Untold Story. In it, Mr. Gerald Weston examines the significance of the name, “Easter.” He looks at the ancient practice of worshipping the Queen of Heaven. And he asks the question, could we be worshipping Jesus Christ in vain? This issue strikes at the very heart of what it is to be a Christian. If you’ve not read this booklet, you need to order it today. Request your free copy of “Easter: The Untold Story.”

Just click the link in the description and order it now.

Three Reasons Why Passover And NOT Easter Is The True Christian Holy Day

In the first part of our program, we asked the question, “Is the word ‘Easter’ found in the Bible?” And the answer is, only in a mis-translation of the King James Bible. Now let’s look at the examples of Jesus and His disciples. Did THEY celebrate Easter? Let’s find out what they did, and what they taught. We’ll break it down into three points. The first point is:


This point may seem simple, but don’t overlook the obvious. Too often, people base their beliefs too much on tradition and not enough on Scripture. We think many of you DO read your Bible faithfully. You WANT to be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11, who “searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”

During His ministry, Jesus called many disciples. He commanded them, “Follow Me,” as in Mark 2:14. This wasn’t just an invitation to walk with Him to the next village. It wasn’t just a sentimental feeling. In a very real sense, He was saying, “Look at what I’m doing and follow My example.”

He repeated this many times. In Matthew 10:38 Jesus said, “...he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” You see, following Christ’s example and teaching is what is expected to be a disciple.

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, the apostles followed the same pattern. They urged the brethren to follow their example in practice and doctrine. Notice what Paul told the Philippians:

“Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern” (Philippians 3:17).

Notice what Paul also told the young evangelist, Timothy:

“But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith…” (2 Timothy 3:10).

Did Paul mean that his brethren should just BLINDLY follow him? No. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, he said “Follow me, as I follow Christ.”

Paul wasn’t perfect. Nor were the other apostles. The New Testament is very honest about their mistakes. And yet, Christ worked THROUGH them, so they could TEACH by word and example. Paul said, “don’t just blindly do everything I do or say… look at my example, and if it measures up to Christ, then follow it.”

This is a consistent theme in the entire New Testament. This is what should guide our life: Following the example of Jesus and the apostles. That’s WHY the New Testament has been preserved, so we can know what they did. Luke wrote in Acts 16:4:

“And as they [Paul and Silas, that is] went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.” (cts 16:4–5).

The brethren in the first century followed the teachings of Christ and the apostles. As Christians today, we must live by the same rule.

Peter echoed a similar theme in his second letter to the brethren. He said this:

“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior….” (2 Peter 3:1–2)

Did Peter just make up commandments for them to follow? No--he taught them what He had learned from Jesus. And he lived it in his personal example.

John also taught this. In 1 John 1:2 he wrote:

“...the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us—that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us….” (1 John 1:2–3)

John and the other apostles were passing along what they saw Jesus do, and what they heard Jesus teach.

Why is this important? Because many traditions of modern Christianity simply go AGAINST the example of Jesus and His disciples. Mr. Gerald Weston brings this out in the free booklet Easter: The Untold Story. We are offering this publication today. This booklet will help you see that some of the basic teachings of mainstream Christianity are NOT found in the Bible. Take for example, chapter four. It’s entitled: “Three Days and Three Nights.” Was Jesus in the grave a full three days and three nights? Or just parts of three days and three nights? Can you really know? And does it matter?

In a simple and straightforward way, this booklet will lay it out for you. Use it side by side with your own Bible. Don’t take our word for it. Prove it for yourself. Again, this is a free publication… it’s already paid for. The generous co-workers of this Work have “paid-it-forward”, for you. They want you to have this booklet. So, give us a call or go online and order yours now.

The Disciples Kept the Passover… Not Easter

Welcome back. In the last segment, we saw that Christians must follow the example of Jesus and His disciples. That should be our guide. With that foundation, let’s go on to the next point. Number 2...


Dr. Samuele Bachiocchi is a noted church-history expert who wrote the book From Sabbath to Sunday. On page 84, he said this:

“…[T]hough the resurrection is frequently mentioned both in the New Testament and in the early patristic literature, no suggestion is given that primitive Christians commemorated the event by a weekly or yearly Sunday service” (From Sabbath to Sunday, Samuele Bachiocchi, p. 84).

You can search the New Testament from one end to the other, and you won’t find the disciples celebrating Easter. In 1986, a book called The Apostasy of the Lost Century was written by a man named S. Gusten Olsen. Notice what he said:

“When Polycarp was writing his Epistle, Sunday was still a working day…. Not even the association of the resurrection with the symbolism of the sun seems very prominent until the middle of the second century” (The Apostasy of the Lost Century, S. Gusten Olsen, p. 100).

Did you catch that? Mr. Olsen said the idea of the rising sun being symbolic of Jesus’ resurrection--think, sunrise service--was not part of the thinking of the early disciples. The tradition of the rising sun representing Christ’s resurrection didn’t take shape until the 2nd century. Is this because Jesus’ disciples didn’t CARE about the resurrection? Nothing could be further from the truth! When Jesus appeared to His disciples from the grave “...they still did not believe for joy, and marveled...” (Luke 24:41). They were amazed--and grateful! When Thomas, who saw Him later, realized what had happened, how did HE respond? John 20:28 records, “...Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’”

The disciples had a DEEP respect and sense of awe for the miracle of the resurrection. But NOWHERE do we have a record of their keeping a service to commemorate it. Even if they HAD celebrated it, it would NOT have been Sunday morning. We find this passage in John 20:1.

“Now the first day of the week Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb” (John 20:1).

Verse 2 says: “Then she ran and came to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and said to them, ‘They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him’” (John 20:2).

Did you catch that? Mary was at the tomb before sunrise. It was STILL dark and Jesus was already gone. Jesus did NOT rise from the grave at sunrise, as so many assume.

Did the early disciples talk about the resurrection? Yes--many times! Paul, in his defense before the Sanhedrin, said, “Concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged…” (Acts 23:6) He wrote a whole chapter ABOUT the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15. And in 1 Peter 1:3, notice what the Apostle Peter said:

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…. In this you greatly rejoice.” (1 Peter 1:3, 6).

The apostles were witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection. And they were to tell the whole WORLD about it. But nowhere in the New Testament is there a record of an Easter service. It’s just not there.

On the contrary, the disciples WERE keeping a different feast day to honor Jesus Christ. What was that different feast day? That brings us to our final point in this program. Number 3:


As we saw earlier, Jesus kept the Passover with His disciples. But during His last Passover just before His death, He assigned new symbolic meaning to the bread and wine. Notice how Mark describes it:

“And as they were eating [the Passover], Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’ Then He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, and they all drank from it. And He said to them, ‘This is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many’” (Mark 14:22–24).

Jesus used this ancient feast day to institute new symbols about His own coming sacrifice. He explained, “By taking these symbols, you are entering the new covenant.” He was explaining how they could come under His shed blood, and be forgiven of their sins!

The Apostle John also noted that same last Passover, but with other details. He recorded that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Notice what Jesus said, in John 13:15.

“For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you…. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them” (John 13:15, 17).

That is a direct command to follow in His steps. Jesus commanded His people to take bread and wine, as symbols of His broken body and shed blood. And He commanded them to wash each others’ feet as an outward expression of humility and Christian brotherhood. He instituted the Christian Passover.

This is very different from what most modern Christians observe today. But there it is, right in the Bible. And He said we would be blessed if we followed His example.

What about the apostles? Do they tell us to observe the Christian Passover? Yes. Paul wrote about it in 1 Corinthians 11, verse 23:

“For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me’” (1 Corinthians 11:23–24).

Jesus instituted new Passover symbols, and Paul was teaching exactly the same thing. He goes on to say:

“In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me’” (1 Corinthians 11:25).

Paul was following the example of Christ. And Paul taught his brethren to follow Jesus’ example, as well. In this light, it’s interesting to note what Philip Schaff, the 19th-century early-church historian, said about the Christian Passover. He said this:

“The Christians of Asia Minor, following the Jewish chronology, and appealing to the authority of the apostles John and Philip, celebrated the Christian Passover… [This observance] was probably the oldest and in accordance with the Synoptic tradition of the last Passover of our Lord, which it commemorated.” (History of the Christian Church, Vol. II, Philip Schaff, p. 201–202).

In other words, this was the earliest observance of the Church. Jesus and His disciples kept the Christian Passover, in commemoration of Jesus’ suffering and death. Even after His resurrection, there was no hint of a sunrise service kept by the apostles. Notice what else Mr. Schaff wrote:

“The Christian Passover naturally grew out of the Jewish Passover… It is certainly the oldest and most important annual festival of the church, and can be traced back to the first century, or at all events to the middle of the second, when it was universally observed, though with a difference as to the day….” (History of the Christian Church, Vol. II, Philip Schaff, p. 198).

Did you notice that? The “Christian Passover is the oldest and most important annual festival of the church.” That’s quite a statement. And yet, how many modern Christians keep the Christian Passover?

On today’s program, we’ve seen that faithful Christians must follow the example of Jesus and His disciples. We saw there is NO RECORD of Jesus’ disciples ever celebrating Easter. Instead, we saw that they observed the Christian Passover. If you are a disciple of Christ, shouldn’t you be observing the Christian Passover today?

There’s so much more to this story. We’ve only scratched the surface. But you can study it in depth, yourself. To do that, you need our free study guide, Easter: The Untold Story. In this booklet you’ll find a wealth of information. Chapter 5 discusses the significance of Passover. Chapter 6 explains the timing of the events of the days right after Christ’s death. And chapter 7 asks the question: “What happened on Sunday?”

This booklet is absolutely free. The truth is too precious to put a price tag on it. And that’s why we don’t ask for money. Jesus said, “Freely you have received--freely give.” So call the number on the screen or, order on our website. Either way, check up on what I’m saying. You won’t regret it.

Keeping The Passover In Word And Deed

In today’s program we saw the Bible requires Christians to follow the example of Jesus and His disciples. We also discovered neither Jesus nor His disciples kept Easter. On the other hand, they taught and practiced the Christian Passover, with new covenant symbols.

When Christians observe the Christian Passover, they partake of bread and wine, in commemoration of Jesus’ death. They are expressing faith in His sacrifice to cover their sins. If you’d like to learn more about the Christian Passover and its significance in your life, just let us know. We have representatives who can get in touch with you, if you ask. The Living Church of God has ministers all over the globe, committed and dedicated to teaching God’s truth and working with those who respond to God’s call.

And don’t forget to order your free literature. It’s entitled Easter: The Untold Story. Learn how mainstream Christianity transformed the original Christian Passover to a day honoring a pagan fertility goddess. You may be shocked.

And thank you for watching. Join us each week as Gerald Weston, Richard Ames, Wallace Smith and I bring you the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the prophecies of Tomorrow’s World. Jesus Christ is coming soon, to set up His Kingdom, and stop the misery of this troubled and confused world. May God speed that day.

Four Myths of the Apocalypse

Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? The Bible reveals that a great world war, focused on the Middle East, is on the horizon. How will you know when this event is about to occur? What prophetic signs should you be watching for?

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Uncovering Four Myths of the Apocalypse

Are you worried about the apocalypse? A lot of people are. Some even talk of “apocalypse anxiety.” That is, the feeling that the world will end, by any number of calamities, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Do you ever worry about the end of the world? The Bible reveals hard times are coming. But should we be distressed about it? Is fear of the future irrational and unnecessary? And can a clear understanding of scripture actually give us hope and encouragement?

Let’s explore this subject today and discover the truth, as we uncover four myths of the apocalypse.

Myth Number One: Apocalypse Means ‘The End of the World.’

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World. The world of entertainment is really the heartbeat of a culture. It reflects society’s values, hopes, and fears. But what does our entertainment say about us? I think most of us would agree, our entertainment says we are obsessed with the end of the world. And it’s not just in recent times. Consider H.G. Wells’ book The War of the Worlds, published back in 1897. It was read on the air on October 30, 1938, in the form of a radio drama. Some mistakenly thought it was the news report of Martians taking over New York, and it caused panic among some listeners. Since then, countless movies have been made about aliens, invasions, and the end of the world. Who can forget the gripping title of 1955’s “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” or lesser-known movies like 1962’s “Panic in Year Zero”? In more recent years, we’ve had “Armageddon,” “Independence Day,” and of course, the ever-popular “Avengers” movies. If you think the number of apocalyptic movies is increasing with each year, you’re right. In 2016, renowned author and Colgate University professor Dr. Anthony Aveni wrote a book entitled Apocalyptic Anxiety: Religion, Science, and America’s Obsession with the End of the World. In it, he explained:

“The number of apocalyptic-themed feature-length films produced since the turn of the millennium has topped totals over the four decades ending in 2000. Projected totals for 2011–2020 are expected to at least double the count for 2001–2010.” (Aveni, Apocalyptic Anxiety: Religion, Science, and America’s Obsession with the End of the World, p. 6, 2016).

Society is obsessed with the end of the world. And most of these fictions present what is called a dystopian picture of the world. That is, a future when society collapses, order disintegrates, and there is great suffering for humanity. When monsters and zombies lurk from behind every burned-out, smoking pile of rubble, waiting to terrorize desperate human survivors. You get the picture.

It’s only entertainment though, right? I mean, we don’t take these movies seriously, do we? We know they’re fiction, just a harmless two hours of fun. But stop and think: Is there some level of primal fear behind this growing genre of entertainment? And some of them don’t describe aliens coming to earth, but rather global collapse from climate change. They predict the polar ice cap will melt, CO2 levels will increase to dangerous levels, and coastal cities will be inundated. Or maybe an asteroid will crash to earth. Regardless, when you look under the surface, though it’s fiction, there’s something behind this. They are playing on the real fears of real people.

Now, it is true that horrific events will happen in our world. Jesus Himself said there will be great distress in the future. In Luke 21, verse 25 He said this:

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear....” (Luke 21:25–26).

But in the very same section, we read of a different response from people who are aware of the truth of the Bible, preparing for it, and ready. This is in Luke 21:28:

“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28).

How can we make sure we have this mindset when these things happen? That’s why we’re talking about it today on this program. You see, if we expose the erroneous myths about the future, we can have greater confidence and peace in our lives today. Who doesn’t want that?

So, let’s look at four myths of the apocalypse, to separate truth from fiction.

Myth Number One: “Apocalypse means ‘the end of the world.’”

To most, the word “apocalypse” refers to “the end of the world.” But does the word “apocalypse” really mean that? Many of our regular viewers will know the answer, but I’ll explain it here. The last book of the Bible is called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” The word “revelation” is just the English word translated from a Greek word, “apokalypsis.” We find “apokalypsis” used in the original Greek in the first verse of the first chapter of Revelation. Notice what it says:

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place….” (Revelation 1:1).

“Revelation” and “apokalypsis” mean the same thing: an uncovering, an unveiling, or a revealing. The word doesn’t necessarily mean a meltdown of society. So, why has the word apocalypse come to mean, in popular usage, the dramatic collapse and end of something? Well, because the Book of Revelation, or The Apocalypse, does contain a series of visions revealing sobering events to happen in the last days.

But notice the focus and purpose of the book of Revelation: to reveal. Your Savior, the Son of God, commissioned John to write down what he saw so the future would be foretold… what was hidden would be uncovered. He wanted His people to not be confused about the future, but be enlightened and encouraged by knowing the truth.

Was the Book of Revelation meant to be a message of doom? Not at all. In fact, read on in Revelation chapter 1 verse 3:

“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it....” (Revelation 1:3).

You can be blessed for reading this Book. It’s the God of Heaven and Earth talking to you. You can be blessed for listening to His message, doing what He says, and keeping the words written in it.

Maybe you’ve been confused reading the Book of Revelation. Don’t give up! You need to know what’s in this book! God had it recorded so that it would open our understanding, and give us comfort and hope.

Which is why on today’s program, we’re offering you the free study guide: Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled. Written by the late pastor and teacher John Ogwyn, it will take you step by step through a book many find difficult to understand. Chapter 1 asks the question, “Can You Know the Future?” Chapter 2 explains “Seven Keys to Understanding.” Chapter 3 details, “A Final Vision for the End of an Era.”

Ask God for understanding, and let this booklet help you as you learn the meaning of the Book of Revelation. Just call the number on your screen, or click the link in the description to get your free copy of Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled.

Myth Number 2: Christians Will Escape the Tribulation by Being Raptured

Welcome back. In the last segment of this program, we saw that the word “apocalypse” comes from a Greek word that just means an uncovering. It doesn’t necessarily mean doom for all mankind. And so, the book of Revelation, or we might say, “The Apocalypse,” was intended to open our understanding about the future. Which brings us to the second myth about the apocalypse:

Myth Number 2: Christians will escape the Tribulation by being raptured.

The Book of Revelation does speak of a coming Great Tribulation, the worst time of trouble ever. Many professing Christians stake their hope on being raptured to escape the Tribulation. But is that what the Bible says will happen?

The Book of Revelation does describe the saints being protected. This is what we find in Revelation, chapter 3, verse 10:

“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10).

But how will God protect His Church? We find the answer a few chapters later. Revelation chapter 12 describes Satan the devil’s aim to thwart God’s plan and destroy humanity. At the very end of the age, Satan is thrown down to the earth, and is very angry. He persecutes the Church, described in symbol as a woman. But notice what happens next, in Revelation chapter 12, verse 14:

“But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.” (Revelation 12:14).

Bible scholars point out that “times” represent “years.” So, three and a half “times” equals three and a half “years.” This is speaking of the Tribulation. God will take His people into the wilderness for three and a half years. But Satan will try to stop them. This is found in Revelation chapter 12 verse 15:

“So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.” (Revelation 12:15–16).

Does this sound like a church being swept up to heaven? Or rather, is it describing people right here on earth, pursued by an army, represented by a flood? God will miraculously destroy that army, apparently by an earthquake, as the earth figuratively opens up its mouth. And then God will put His shield of protection over these people, for the duration of the Tribulation. The hope of the saints is not the rapture. The hope of the saints is God’s protection during the Tribulation, and then the change into Spirit at His coming.

There is much more than we can explain in this short program. And that’s why we’re offering this free study guide, Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled. It explains how God will protect, nourish, and preserve His servants, even at the end of the age. Read it for yourself.

Order your free copy of Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled by calling the number on your screen, or clicking the link in the description. We want to send you this study guide. Order today.

Also, be sure to click the “like” button and subscribe to our channel, so you don’t miss another Tomorrow’s World video.

Myth Number 3: Humans Will Band Together to Fight Jesus Christ

Today we’re exposing four myths of the apocalypse. There are so many misunderstandings of what will happen at the end of the age. But God wants to reveal the truth to you and me. And He wants to show us how we can really be protected. What else does He say in His word? Well, let’s examine another myth.

Myth Number 3: Humans will band together to fight and prevail over an evil, invading alien power.

Think about it. How many books and movies have this general theme? In some stories, the humans use technology to win the day. In others, they are given or develop special superpowers to fight off their enemies. Whatever the case, it’s usually the humans who figure out a way to survive and outsmart the evil invaders.

Now, I know, it’s just fiction. We’re not supposed to believe it. People watch it just for fun. And yet, what is the message that is subtly and not so subtly drilled into our heads over and over and over again? The message is in the end, we humans win. In the end, we overcome our differences and we work together against a common enemy. We use science, strange new powers, and good-old-fashioned ingenuity and guts. In the end, someone among us will save the day.

That’s one of the common storylines of the apocalyptic genre. But is anyone asking the question, is it really going to happen this way? Where can we turn to find out? The Book of Revelation has the answer. And it reveals that the storyline of the future is not like Deep Impact or Terminator or Godzilla. The Bible shows a very different picture. Let’s look at it together.

Read with me a passage from Revelation chapter 19 verse 11:

“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:11–13).

Who does the Bible reveal will come down from heaven in the last days? Not an alien invader, but Jesus Christ. This passage describes the awe-inspiring appearance of Jesus at His second coming. He won’t come in secret… John wrote in Revelation 1:7 that every eye will see Him. And Acts chapter 1 reveals another glimpse of how He will return. When Jesus ascended to the Father, His disciples watched him go up and disappear into the clouds. Then notice what an angel told these men, in Acts 1:11:

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11).

The nations will see Jesus Christ visibly descending from the clouds, to the ground. And how will they receive Him? With open arms? Jubilant that the Messiah has returned, to save mankind from himself? As Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 says,

“…all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him….” (Revelation 1:7).

They’ll be upset… They’ll be angry… and they’ll try to kill Him. Now is that surprising? Well that’s what human beings did the first time the Son of God came. And they’ll try a second time. Let’s read it in Revelation chapter 19 and verse 19:

“And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army.” (Revelation 19:19).

Think about those words. The kings of the earth will join together, in a concerted effort not to attack an evil, alien invader, but to destroy the very Savior Himself. Could it be that some will be deluded into thinking He is a hostile alien coming to annihilate mankind? And could Satan the devil be behind that message?

The nations fighting Christ will not prevail. Their leaders, the beast and the false prophet, will be captured and killed, and their armies destroyed. And Jesus Christ will subdue the nations, and set up His Kingdom on earth.

So what’s the value in studying the Book of Revelation? It reveals our future. And our study guide, Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled can help walk you through this vital book. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 explain who these people are who fight Christ when He returns. They explain why human armies will attempt to stop Him, and why they’ll be unsuccessful. In a time when many are throwing out the Bible, we all need to ask God to help us understand the Bible, so we can be ready for the chaotic times ahead. Read your Bible, read the Book of Revelation, and order Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled. Call, click or write today.

Myth Number 4: The Post-Apocalyptic World Will Be One of Chaos and Destruction

In today’s program, we’ve considered some of the myths of the apocalypse. What we’ve found is that apocalypse is not just about disaster and calamity, but about God revealing the future. We’ve seen that the hope of Christians is being protected by God right here during the Tribulation and being glorified at Christ’s return.

And we’ve also shown that human armies will band together to actually fight the Son of God Himself. In the time remaining, let’s expose just one more myth:

Myth Number 4: The post-apocalyptic world will be one of chaos and destruction.

What is the common theme of so many dystopic, post-apocalyptic books and movies today? The battle of earth ends in crumbling buildings, burned out vehicles, and shell-shocked survivors fighting for their lives…with no hope for the future. They struggle to live in a hopeless world where cruel enemies prey on their helpless victims. Or, they find themselves in an environment so damaged by calamity and disaster, it’s no longer fit for human life. It’s a grim and disturbing story. But what is the truth? Actually just the opposite. Again, the book of Revelation lives up to its name. It reveals the truth. Let’s listen to what God has to say. We can read it together in Revelation chapter 20 verse 1:

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years….” (Revelation 20:1–2).

Keep reading, in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 4:

“And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God…. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:4).

What we’re reading is a true description of the post-apocalyptic world. “Tomorrow’s World,” as we call it, and it will be a brand-new civilization. The Devil will be taken away, and the righteous saints will rule in government. They will occupy positions of responsibility in Christ’s Kingdom and rule with Him for a thousand years. The Bible is filled with descriptions of that time of peace and safety and harmony. It will be a time of rebuilding cities, restoring life and teaching humanity how to live. It will be a time of renewal, and hope, and faith.

The Old Testament prophet Micah prophesied of that time as well. In Micah chapter 4 verse 1, it says this:

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains...” (Micah 4:1).

That means God will establish His Kingdom on earth, through Christ, and that government will subdue all other governments.

Micah chapter 4 verse 3:

“He shall judge between many peoples, and rebuke strong nations afar off; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Micah 4:3).

This is a prophecy of God, of what happens after the Tribulation and the Day of the LORD. Can you imagine no more war between nations? It seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? But that’s the real post-apocalyptic world!

Going on, in Micah chapter 4, and verse 4:

“But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid; for the mouth of the LORD of hosts has spoken.” (Micah 4:4).

He’s describing a world of peace. And think about what this is portraying. Imagine a man with his wife and children, sitting in the shade of a tree, in their backyard, having a picnic. Picture the smaller ones running and playing games, enjoying life. This is a snapshot of life in the post-apocalyptic world. No, it’s not what you find in the movies. But who will you believe? Hollywood? Or the Ever-living God?

Do you want to be in that number, of saints who are protected, and then glorified, and rule with Christ on earth? You can. And our study guide Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled can help you understand how. Don’t forget to order it today.

We also invite you to subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell.

As the media portrays false images of the future, we all need to read our Bibles in earnest, to understand what our future holds. Gerald Weston, Richard Ames, Wallace Smith, and I will continue to share with you the straight-from-the-Bible teachings of Jesus Christ, the good news of the coming Kingdom of God, and the prophecies of Tomorrow’s World. Be sure to join us again next time, right here, at the same time.

How to Fight Loneliness—Five Ways to Overcome

How to Fight Loneliness—Five Ways to Overcome

Do you sometimes feel that you have no one to talk to? Do you ever find yourself wearing a smile to mask inward pain—craving to talk, but finding no one there to listen? If so, you are not alone. In an age abounding with technological connections, an alarming number of people don’t have anyone they can really talk to. In early 2019, the New York Post reported on a study revealing just that: “One in four people don’t feel they have someone to confide in, according to new research.

Is Europe Preparing for War?

Is Europe Preparing for War?

 Europe is increasingly building its own war-making capacity. What factors are causing this change, and how will this trend impact the world?

Will Civilization Collapse?

The world is at a crossroads. Some predict we have only decades to go before society falls to pieces. They say environmental disasters, depletion of resources, and economic inequalities may lead to the end of civilization. Will civilization collapse? Is there really a source we can turn to really know?

The world is at a crossroads. Some predict we have only decades to go before society falls to pieces. They say environmental disasters, depletion of resources, and economic inequalities may lead to the end of civilization. In an article for the BBC website, Rachel Nuwer noted, “It should come as no surprise that humanity is currently on an unsustainable and uncertain path – but just how close are we to reaching the point of no return?”

That’s a good question. Truly, world conditions are more precarious than they’ve been for decades. Consider the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists from January 24, 2019, which assessed the world’s nearness to nuclear Armageddon as only “two minutes to midnight”.

We should be concerned about the future. And we're all in the same boat. We all live on this planet and if calamity comes, it’s going to affect all of us.

So, will civilization collapse? Is there really a source we can turn to, to really know?

And how have we gotten here in the first place? Why are we even talking about something as horrifying as societal collapse?

We’ll examine these questions today on Tomorrow’s World. And we’ll be offering a free DVD entitled, “A Culture in Crisis,” later in the program. So get ready to write down the information! You don’t want to miss this DVD.

So, will civilization collapse? I’ll be right back with the answer.

[short intro music]

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World. When it comes to daily life, everyone’s got an opinion about everything. And most are eager to share it. From what car to drive, to where to shop, to how we feel about the issues of the day. The people we’re around help form our opinions and perspectives about these things. So who do you listen to? Most likely, it’s family, friends, and co-workers. Or maybe celebrities or opinion-makers in the media. Or possibly successful people in business and government. But we all listen to people who influence how we think.

The problem is when we let others around us frame our thoughts on more important matters. On questions like, will our civilization collapse? This question is far too important to just entrust to the opinion of a best friend or a radio talk show host. 

No, we really must look elsewhere… and there's only one source that speaks with authority about the future. It’s the Bible. You can trust the Bible. It’s full of prophecies that already happened. And it speaks of things yet to occur. So, what does the Bible say about what will happen in our day? Go get a Bible, and read along with me. We make no apology on Tomorrow’s World that we uphold and we live by the Holy Bible to the best of our ability. Let others insult the Bible and tear it apart. It doesn’t change the fact it’s God’s inspired word. And it always will be.

So what does the Bible say about our day? In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus Christ said some remarkable things to His disciples. They had asked Him, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” [Matthew 24:3]. And then He described a number of things that would happen. Wars and rumors of wars. Famines and pestilence. Lawlessness and love growing cold. It sounds like civilization coming apart. And then He said in Matthew 24:21, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.”

Now stop for a moment and think about this. Some people look at prophecy as rants by crazy people and religious fanatics. But who is giving this warning? The Savior of all mankind. It’s a message straight from Jesus Christ, as preserved by His faithful disciples. And notice what He said next, in verse 22: “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” [Matthew 24:22]

Jesus said humanity is going to the very brink of utter destruction. Now think again: was it ever possible for man to wipe out all mankind, before the nuclear age? No way. That’s one of the proofs that we are living in the prophesied last days today. Because total annihilation is possible. And as I said before, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists concluded we’re closer to that happening than we’ve been for decades.

Mankind will take the world to the edge of annihilation. Your Bible predicts that it will happen. But it will be stopped before all life is destroyed. Jesus Christ will come back to earth, just as He left after His resurrection. And this time He’ll return as a king. All nations will fall in line and obey Him. They'll have no choice.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves in the story. The Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses a matter is established. So, let’s see if there’s another reference in the Bible to an end-time collapse of society.

Turn in your Bible to Jeremiah 30:5, “For thus says the LORD: ‘We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” 

Ok, so let’s think this through. Jesus said at the end of the age, there will be a time like no other in history. And Jeremiah said the same thing. Could there be two times that are the worst in history? Of course not. So, it has to be referring to the same event. Both Matthew 24 and Jeremiah 30 are referring to the prophesied Great Tribulation at the end of this age. These are two voices prophesying of the same upcoming event.

But notice an additional fact here that we didn’t have in Matthew. Jeremiah says it is the time of Jacob’s trouble. But who is Jacob? Jacob was one of the patriarchs in the book of Genesis, in the Bible. He was the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. He was originally called Jacob but then God changed His name to Israel. His descendants, the children of Israel, became a nation, and, over time, a number of different nations. So, what we’re reading here is that the Tribulation is going to be especially difficult for the modern descendants of Jacob, or Israel.

But who are the descendants of Jacob and Israel? The people who came out of Western Europe and the British Isles, including many English-speaking people all over the globe today. Those people who’ve had such wonderful blessings over the last two or three centuries, and have risen to incredible power. Those people who’ve enjoyed material wealth and prosperity like no others on earth.

Could America, Britain, Canada, and other Western nations collapse? Absolutely. Frankly, when we look at history, we see rise and fall is a normal pattern of every civilization. In an article for the BBC website, entitled “Are we on the road to civilisation collapse?” Luke Kemp analyzed the rise and fall of civilizations over a period of more than 3,000 years. His conclusion was that the average lifespan of a civilization or empire is about 336 years. Are any civilizations immune from decline and fall? He would argue no. He wrote this: “Collapse can be defined as a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity. Public services crumble and disorder ensues… Virtually all past civilisations have faced this fate. Some recovered or transformed, such as the Chinese and Egyptian. Other collapses were permanent...”

We in the western world are not immune to the possibility of collapse. And when we look at Bible prophecy, what we find is we're going to bear the brunt of the tribulation. That’s what Jeremiah 30 is saying. But the whole world will also go through great difficulty. The book of Revelation speaks of warfare and plagues like the world has never known.

But why will it happen? That’s a vital question, which we’ll answer in this program. But before that, let me offer you our free DVD, “A Culture in Crisis.” It’s a compilation of three Tomorrow’s World programs, and it discusses major changes going on in our societies right now. Prophesied events are going to take many by surprise. You need to understand what’s happening and why. So give us a call, or order one by clicking the link in the description. Also, remember to click the "like" button. And if you don't want to miss another Tomorrow's World video, be sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell.

So we've asked the question, will civilization collapse? And we went to the only source there is to know the future, the Bible. In two different places, it referred to a global upheaval that will take place in the end-times. But why is this calamity coming?

To answer that question, let’s go back to another of the Old Testament prophets. The prophet Ezekiel was among the second wave of captives taken by the Babylonians around 597BC. Ezekiel began prophesying from Babylon in the sixth year of that captivity. Jerusalem fell in 586BC. Ezekiel foretold the fall of Jerusalem. Look at what he said, as recorded in Ezekiel 5, verse 5, “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and the countries all around her. She has rebelled against My judgments by doing wickedness more than the nations, and against My statutes more than the countries that are all around her.’” [Ezekiel 5:5-6]

God, through Ezekiel, told the people why they were going to be overthrown. They were supposed to be a model nation. They were supposed to show the rest of the world how to keep God’s law, and how to be moral and upright. Other nations were supposed to see their example and look up to them and want to emulate them. But instead of that, by Ezekiel’s time, he said: “you are worse than the people around you.” What a tragedy. 

Are there any parallels for our day? Western civilization was built on a Judeo-Christian foundation. It’s based on principles found in this book, the Bible. Many of our laws are based on moral principles found in the Bible as well. But are we turning our backs on that foundation? Are we casting aside basic principles that preserve society and ensure a certain level of stability? Do we pass laws that directly contradict principles found in the Bible? Who gives us the right to say it’s lawful to take the life of unborn children when God created life? Who gives us the right to proclaim marriage is any arrangement whatsoever, instead of what God created between a man and a woman? And how come this is so confusing when we have it so plainly spelled out in our foundational moral book, the Bible? And what kind of example do we set to the world?

Ezekiel told the people of Jerusalem they had corrupted themselves even further than the people around them. Today, Western nations have the benefit of a foundation of principles found in the Bible. But we are casting them aside, and for what? What are we losing in the process?

This hits even closer to home than you might think. Because Ezekiel didn’t just prophesy to the people of his day in Jerusalem. He’s prophesying to us. Let me explain.

Let’s back up a little bit to Ezekiel’s time and before. Back in the 10th century BC, Israel was a unified nation. Under the reign of Rehoboam, however, it split into two: a northern house, still called Israel, and the southern house, now called Judah. In 721BC, the northern house of Israel was attacked, overcome and deported by the armies of Assyria. This northern house was taken captive and never returned. Many people today think this house of Israel just sort of disappeared.

But Ezekiel warned the house of Israel of impending destruction over 100 years after they were taken into captivity. How could he prophesy to them when they were already overtaken and gone? It must be a dual prophecy and be referring to a yet future time.

Notice what he specifically predicts about the house of Israel, in Ezekiel 6, and verse 2, “Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them, and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD!’ Thus says the Lord GOD to the mountains, to the hills, to the ravines, and to the valleys: ‘Indeed I, even I, will bring a sword against you, and I will destroy your high places… In all your dwelling places the cities shall be laid waste, and the high places shall be desolate....’” [Ezekiel 6:2-3, 6]

Ezekiel predicted that Israel’s cities would be destroyed. But Israel was already in captivity over 100 years earlier! And, in that captivity, Israel’s cities weren’t destroyed, they were repossessed by other groups of people brought in by the Assyrians. So Ezekiel was prophesying of a time yet future when the land of Israel will be so devastated that its cities are leveled.

Who is the modern house of Israel? Well, nations coming from the British Isles and Western Europe, and comprising much of the English-speaking people around the world. So Ezekiel was describing a shocking and horrifying collapse for these people, yet to come. When you see the writing on the wall, and the direction of our morals, it’s chilling.

And this is why we’re presenting this program today. Our anti-God, anti-Bible culture is going the wrong way. And is surely headed for disaster. Our culture is tossing aside the Biblical morality that is the strength of any people that hold to it. The principles found in the Bible regulate relationships and enable strong and stable families. They provide for a strong home life for raising healthy and happy children. It’s God’s way of life, that brings happiness, and blessings, and good things.

You need this special DVD “A Culture in Crisis.” It’s a compilation of three Tomorrow’s World telecasts. It outlines in detail where our society is going wrong, and it reveals the origins of the sea changes that are going on today. It will help you understand why things are happening as they are. You and your family need this DVD. We’ll send it to you free of charge. Just call the number on the screen or click the link below for our DVD, “A Culture in Crisis”.

We've examined why God predicts calamity to come on a people. And we've asked the question, could that be ahead for us? 

Now let’s take an even closer look. The message Ezekiel was to deliver to the house of Israel contained a very heartfelt and compassionate appeal from God. When God said He would allow the house of Israel to be militarily overthrown and taken captive, notice what else He added. We read in Ezekiel, chapter 6, “Yet I will leave a remnant, so that you may have some who escape the sword among the nations, when you are scattered through the countries. Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations where they are carried captive, because I was crushed by their adulterous heart which has departed from Me…” [Ezekiel 6:8-9]

Many portray God as scary, vindictive, and monstrous. But look at God’s reaction to the disobedience and obstinance of Israel. It says He was “crushed.” He was greatly distressed. God doesn’t want our blind obedience. He wants a relationship. He showed us His love by sending His Son as a sacrifice. He wants loyalty in return. And when He does so much for a people, it hurts Him and it grieves Him to see those people reject Him and in turn self-destruct.

The point is, we as a people are coming to the point in our history, where we’re not only redefining morality and godly behavior, but are full-scale rejecting the God of the Bible Himself.

But where is God today? Have we cast Him off like an old shoe? When people, by and large, reject the idea that there is a sovereign God in Heaven who fashioned us all, and governs over all, calamity is inevitable. A godless society will not stand.

Notice what the prophet Isaiah said, in Isaiah chapter 1. “Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked to anger the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward… Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire; strangers devour your land in your presence; and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.” [Isaiah 1:4, 7]

What was God saying? When a people reject God as their sovereign head, they're headed for trouble. And their civilization is headed for disaster. He will no longer protect their land or guard their cities. They're on their own.

Again, we want you to understand why our civilization is in decline, and yes, why it will fall. It’s not a mystery. We all need to get our house in order, and understand how God wants us to conduct our lives. So order our special DVD offer, “A Culture in Crisis.” It will open your eyes to what’s happening in the world, and why. And also don't forget to "like" this video and subscribe to our channel.

So what should we do? How should we approach the future?

The Bible reveals cataclysmic events will happen to the generation leading up to Christ’s return. But what should you and I do? What can we do? Daniel 12 provides insight. The timing is the time of the end. Notice what is says, in Daniel chapter 12, “At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the book.” [Daniel 12:1]

Remember, earlier in the program we read of two Scriptures that speak of the worst time of trouble ever. Here now is a third. They can only be speaking of the same event: the worst time of trouble—The Great Tribulation in the end-times. But is there hope? Of course there is! For those who are walking with God, faithful to Him, and have their names written in the Book of Life.

Going further, there’s further proof that this is at Christ’s return because he speaks of the resurrection of the saints. Read in Daniel 12:2; “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake… Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.”

The time we’re entering isn’t all bleak and hopeless. It’s a time of great opportunity for those who catch the vision to be faithful to God and stand for His way of life. And, to get involved in backing and supporting the work of preaching the true Gospel of the Kingdom to the world. As he said, those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the sun forever. What calling could be more important than being a beacon of light to an ever-darkening world? That’s why we’re doing this Work. To preach and publish the gospel of the kingdom while we draw breath.

Thanks for joining us. Whether you watch us on network TV, YouTube, or some other platform, we are doing this because we want you to know the truth. Our hope and prayer is it changes your life. And even inspires you to take steps in your life to a closer walk with God, in every possible way.

Be sure to join us again next week, as Gerald Weston, Richard Ames, Wallace Smith, and I will continue to share this Good News with you of the coming Kingdom of God, of Christ’s reign on earth, and the powerful prophecies your Bible holds.

See you next time!
