Stuart Wachowicz | Page 7 | Tomorrow's World

Stuart Wachowicz

Baby Bust: Birth Rate Decline and the Death of Cultures

Oh Canada! Article Image

How have abortion, the war on traditional family values, and the rise of questionable moral behavior contributed to the shrinking population growth in Western countries—and beyond?

Counterfeit and Cover-up

For centuries rulers and their governments have struggled to prevent counterfeiting of monetary currency. We face an increasing barrage of counterfeit products in our marketplaces. Various consumer products of inferior quality are being sold falsely under prestigious brand names. Counterfeiting represents a major threat to global economic health. But what of ideas? False ideas and rumors not based in truth also can carry with them a terrible cost and hideous consequences. Today it has become common to refer to such as “fake news”. Formerly we called it lies.

Anti-Semitism Rising

Early in 2019, European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker stated: "I did not think in my lifetime I would see again that Jewish citizens are afraid to express their support for their religion." Anti-Semitic sentiment has been around for a very long time. Why are some people filled with hatred towards individuals they have never met? Why has this particular group of people so frequently been focus of such racial hatred?

Canada Repudiates Its Legal Foundation

Canada Repudiates Its Legal Foundation

Many take issue with the presence of biblical principles in public matters. Yet the Bible has long been a fundamental part of our legal systems.

Modern Israel and the Balfour Declaration

On Nov 2, 2017 British and Israeli leaders met at a grand banquet in the majestic Lancaster House Mansion in London.  The occasion was the 100th anniversary of a letter sent on Nov 2nd , 1917, during the First World War. The letter was penned by Lord Arthur James Balfour, then British Foreign Secretary, and sent to Lord Lionel Rothschild, British financier and one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Great Britain. Learn the remarkable history behind the Balfour declaration, the little document that changed the world.
