Stuart Wachowicz | Tomorrow's World

Stuart Wachowicz

Seeds of Prosperity

Canadian soldiers marching

Canada and the other English-speaking nations have been blessed with abundance that should never be taken for granted.

One Belt, One Road: A Success or a Warning?

Few people in the world have not heard of the Belt and Road Initiative. This is the massive trading partnership initiated by China in 2013, which has now grown, beyond any initial expectations, to become a major economic challenger to the G7 group of nations. This initiative offers our Western nations an opportunity to examine themselves and do a reality check on how we are doing in comparison.

The Seventy Weeks Prophecy

There is one prediction or prophecy in particular that not only proves the Bible is inspired, but also proves the person born in 4 BC that we know as Jesus Christ is indeed the promised Messiah. That is the Seventy Weeks Prophecy.

Canada Chooses Chaos

Canadian soldiers marching

How far from biblical truth and morality will Canada and the rest of Western society fall before confusion gives way to catastrophe?

The Fall of Nineveh

We review several prophecies found in the book of Nahum which archaeology has confirmed regarding the fall of the ancient city of Nineveh.
