Wyatt Ciesielka | Page 22 | Tomorrow's World

Wyatt Ciesielka

Europe—Remember April 10, 1241

April 10, 1241 has haunted the European collective consciousness for centuries. World history would have been very different had the Tartars not abruptly halted their furious advance into the heart of Europe. Why did the Tartars stop? Why was Europe spared? Will a great eastern army again advance on European powers? Will Europe escape a second time?

You shall serve your enemies...

The modern Israelitish nations face a grim future.  Without heartfelt repentance, the plight of these once richly blessed nations including the U.S.A., the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa is foretold to be one of national correction, war, and eventually even forced labor in far-off foreign countries.  But, how could this happen? Many will reply, "This could never come about!"  But sadly, to dismiss these warnings is to ignore clear and sobering Bible prophecies.  It is to ignore current news headlines and it is to put your future in jeopardy. 

How loyal are you in marriage?

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back.  But many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman.  He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty.  His story is a lesson that husbands and wives should consider.

A President attacks the Beast

When Czech President Vaclav Klaus addressed the E.U. parliament, he blasted the European Union for alienating voters and oppressing member states.  Standing before a shocked parliament, Mr. Klaus then escalated his attack.  He compared the E.U. to the Soviet Union – permitting no freedom.  Parliament members threw their hands into the air and exited the chamber in protest (Associated Press, February 19, 2009).

The ideals of our forebears

On January 20, 2009, Barack Hussein Obama assumed the leadership of a mighty but beleaguered nation.  Regardless of whether we are individually thrilled, indifferent, or dismayed about the new American president and his Democratic majority, perhaps we should ask ourselves an honest question: are we sincerely praying for President Obama?   A brief check of the world news and a brief analysis of President Obama's inaugural speech show us that there is a lot we should pray about.
