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The book of Revelation mentions three strange beasts.
Read More...Are you receiving answers to your prayers? Do you know what it takes to be sure that your prayers are heard?
Read More...Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” The world is no closer to answering that question today than it was nearly 2000 years ago.
Read More...The Bible predicts at the very end of the age that a powerful charismatic leader will rise up and deceive most of the world.
Read More...Virtually every professing Christian knows something about baptism.
Read More...What is the "Day of the Lord"? It is not what most assume.
Read More...Published in 1859, On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin has been referred to as “one of the most important books ever written.” It has tr
Read More...Today we live in a world filled with violence, hatred, jealousy, and brutality. Why? Why can't man seem to find the way to peace and harmony?
Read More...Why do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never cele
Read More...Most people have heard of the Bible’s leading figure, Jesus Christ, but few understand His message!
Read More...Bible prophecy is history written in advance. How important is it, or should it be, in our daily lives?
Read More...The First World War was declared to be "the war to end all wars," yet a short 21 years later the world was plunged into another global conflict.