Germans Fear War with Russia | Tomorrow's World

Germans Fear War with Russia

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As Germany stations tanks in Lithuania to “reinforce the Baltic states” against potential Russian aggression (Deutsche Welle, October 27, 2016), and Russia unveils its newest ICBM, the Satan 2, “capable of wiping out parts of the earth the size of Texas or France” (CNN, October 26, 2016), a new poll reveals that 32 percent of Germans “believe it is possible that war could break out between Russia and the European Union and its allies in the United States” (Reuters, October 26, 2016). Among the far-right “Alternative for Germany (AfD) party… 63 percent of them [believe]… that war could break out” (ibid.). As tensions continue to rise over Syria and the Ukraine, concerns are also growing about a future Russian confrontation.

Do Bible prophecies say anything about a future clash with Russia? The Scriptures reveal that in the near-term, a German-led European “beast” power will bring a coming “temporary peace” that will result in prosperity for many (see Revelation 18). However, just prior to the return of Christ, a large army from the “east”likely supported by both Russia and Chinawill descend on the Holy Land and clash with the “beast” army (Revelation 9:13-17). So, in the short-term, a substantive military confrontation between Germany/NATO and Russia will apparently not occur, but it will in time. For more insight into the future of Germany and the NATO nations, be sure to read our booklet, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?