Pope Decrees that “Animals go to Heaven!” | Tomorrow's World

Pope Decrees that “Animals go to Heaven!”

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Last month, Pope Francis, diverged from the teaching of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, and opened the gates of heaven to pets when he stated, “One day we will see our animals again in eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all God’s creatures” (Business Insider, December 10, 2014). Such an idea is an attempt to relieve the sadness of pet owners by assuming that Isaiah 11:6 refers to “heaven.” However, Isaiah 11:6 states that animals will be tame during the millennial rule of Christ on earth (Revelation 5:10). 

Other scriptures plainly state Jesus died so that “human” sins can be forgiven—with no references to animals (John 3:16). The Bible also clearly states that the spirit of the man goes upwards and the spirit of animals goes “down to the earth” (Ecclesiastes 3:21). Many ideas can be “read into” the Scriptures, but when establishing doctrine, we must, we must let the Bible speak for itself. Jesus Christ Himself made it plain that human beings (not animals) will “inherit” His Kingdom (Matthew 25:34). We need to be careful when we hear ideas that do not agree with the Scriptures (Isaiah 8:20; Daniel 7:23-25.

For more about Christ’s millennial rule, a time when even savage animals are tame, read our booklet The World Ahead: What Will it be Like?