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The World Could Change Drastically, and Soon!

In a recent article, “6 Lame Ducks and Giorgia Meloni: Meet the G7 Class of 2024,” Politico highlighted how leaders of six of the seven nations could soon be replaced. These leaders include Emmanuel Macron of France, Olaf Scholz of Germany, Joe Biden of the United States, Justin Trudeau of Canada, Fumio Kishida of Japan, and Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom.

One Belt, One Road: A Success or a Warning?

Few people in the world have not heard of the Belt and Road Initiative. This is the massive trading partnership initiated by China in 2013, which has now grown, beyond any initial expectations, to become a major economic challenger to the G7 group of nations. This initiative offers our Western nations an opportunity to examine themselves and do a reality check on how we are doing in comparison.

Plagues of Locusts?

In recent years, farmers have been forced to watch helplessly as unprecedented swarms of locusts have marched across their lands, relentlessly devouring everything in their path. And these plagues may well be only foretastes of others to come. What does Bible prophecy tell us?

Plagues of locusts have come and gone for centuries. Most people have heard of the ten plagues in ancient Egypt preceding the Exodus of the Israelites. This plague brought swift devastation upon the agriculture of Egypt.

Europe’s Shift to the Right

As predicted, the European parliamentary elections witnessed many liberals losing their positions and being replaced by more conservative leaders (Politico, June 10, 2024).

German Involvement in the Holy Land

Bible prophecy indicates that a German-led European “beast” power will have a military presence in the Holy Land at the end of the age. In fact, the Bible prophesies that non-Israelite (Gentile) nations will “trample” Jerusalem shortly before Christ’s return (Luke 21:24). How might a German-led European force become directly involved with Israel and Jerusalem in the future? The Bible seldom provides all the details of exactly how its prophecies will come to pass.
